Studio Treatment


Oct 12, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
We're having a big problem at the moment in our control with frequencies around 120. We're trying to device ways to remove this from the room. At the moment we are considering acoustic panel hung from the ceiling. But we're not 100% sure how to calculate the size of an absober we need to do it. Anyone know any good sites or has any ideas. We already have a load of the Auralex bass trap but there not stoping this one :(

Thanks in advance....
How are your monitors mounted and where are they in the room? Is there anything boxy and wooden (like a desk) next to a wall by any chance? Do you hear the 120 woof all around the room or just when you're sitting in front of the speakers?

If none of that stuff is a problem, and your whole room is sympathetic to 120hz, you might want to try leaning a sheet of plywood against one (or maybe two) walls to break up standing waves as OzNimbus suggested in his recording drums thread.

Basically try to break up the parallel surfaces a bit, especially if it's a smallish room. A couch can be good for that, too.
You need some rigid fiberglass bass traps. Specific sizes don't matter. Just put a few in the corners primarily and at the point of first reflection from your monitors. I've just been turned on to this company:

I've heard great things about these, and their 4" panels would be perfect.
The auralex stuff isn't going to do anything for frequencies that low, and you probably won't benefit much from ceiling treatment. The bass will mostly build up in the corners, causing problems throughout the room.

Check those out.
Metalhead28 said:
You need some rigid fiberglass bass traps. Specific sizes don't matter. Just put a few in the corners primarily and at the point of first reflection from your monitors. I've just been turned on to this company:

I've heard great things about these, and their 4" panels would be perfect.
The auralex stuff isn't going to do anything for frequencies that low, and you probably won't benefit much from ceiling treatment. The bass will mostly build up in the corners, causing problems throughout the room.

Check those out.

Yeah, do that if you have the cash!
The room is already acoustically treated. We've know its standing waves. Because it varies depending on the point you are in the room. It is a quite a small room. The monitors are mounted on heavy duty stands and have mopads on them too. The room also has a sloped curved ceiling. We have this convered with acoutric diffusers and absorbers already. Our response the in the room is even on from 125 above and below 100. Its just in between there we get a huge drop and then jump up. The bass absorbers sounds like a good idea.