Studio Update, Part 11! I really suck at updating..


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Hi guys, long time no see (because I suck at staying up to date around here!).

Here is Part 11 which I decided to be some sort of "pre-part", mainly to let you hear a clip from the latest revision of the mix and then ask questions about ANYTHING you wonder about. Even if you ask questions about why your pimples are purple and smell like hamburgers, I'll try to answer them. Try is the keyword. I might not try hard enough, but I'll try.

Apart from that, I'd like to say I'm finally getting this mix to sound the way it does in my head and I'm very happy with that. My goal used to be "perfection", which also included gathering in ALL feedback and trying to please everyone but now that I notice I like it the way it's going, I'm gonna go for what I want instead. I've had issues with that stuff before and still do - mainly pleasing everyone else but myself. (That sounds dirty).

Enjoy, and feel free to spread the video to your friends and other forums! I could use some momentum now that the album is getting closer and closer to the finish line and it would be awesome if people asked good questions that I had good answers for.

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so much anger in that guys voice but sounds very good! glad your doing things your way and not someone elses.
Sounds a lot better since the last update I heared in RMM...dunno when that was..maybe oktober or something.
A lot rounder sound, guitars are more pleasing to listen to, relationship of the instruments is more "glue" if you want to say so.
liking the kick a lot better now too.
In case you're looking for mix opinions: bass pokes out a bit strange sometimes imo, vox could also be a tad louder

great work man!
Hey Mayo,

Could you be more specific with the bass poking out thing? The kick and bass are superglued together so I'm not sure if you mean dynamics or frequency wise.

Btw, got a few questions and comments about the bass guitar on the youtube comments. Some people seem to have trouble hearing the bass. If I would mute the bass, it would be like opening a trap door under your feet. Thus I'm confident about the bass guitar's presence in the mix. But I wonder if more people react specifically on the bass guitar? I remember Erik (Dandelium? Hope I got the spelling right) loving the low end in a mix a few revisions ago, so it could just be that these people who can't hear the bass are just bassists Hahahaha :)
Mayo? :lol:

For me it feels like the bass is poking out more on some riffs/notes than on others, maybe because now it's strongest in the low-mids than in the real lows.
Sounds like you pretty much seperated kick and bass, and gave the bass most of its space above the kick, freq wise.
So I think it's kind of both...the bass has a very certain spot freq wise,so if a not jumps out a bit more you recognize it least that's how I feel/hear it!
Maybe because of that ppl think it is too low?
Or maybe they want to hear it stick out a bit more with some higher mid-grind or clean type of track.
Btw, got a few questions and comments about the bass guitar on the youtube comments. Some people seem to have trouble hearing the bass. If I would mute the bass, it would be like opening a trap door under your feet. Thus I'm confident about the bass guitar's presence in the mix. But I wonder if more people react specifically on the bass guitar? I remember Erik (Dandelium? Hope I got the spelling right) loving the low end in a mix a few revisions ago, so it could just be that these people who can't hear the bass are just bassists Hahahaha :)

Fist off, great project keep it up!

About the bass guitar sound. The way I percieve it you use your bass guitar mostly to "fatten up" the Sound of your guitars. The pick attack isn't too loud and this "smoothens up" the overall sound of the bass guitar in the mix. This is all perfectly fine!
There is another approach to bass guitar that I am following. I like it to be growling (adding a second distorted track like Ola does) and with more audible picking noise. As I'm playing thrash metal I hope you see where I'm getting. When people can't identify those two distinct portions of a bass guitar they get the impression that it is missing.

I'm sure A demo with muting and un-muting the bass guitar would show the huge difference.

About the bass poking out on certain parts. I've recognized it but I don't believe it's a problem. Maybe it could be equaled out a little by using more compression, but for me its ok that way.
Mayo is right.

I like the mix a lot! This is seriously my most anticipated release, like, ever. I think you have a much better mix this time than the previous time you asked for opinions. Vocals could be juuuuuust a little louder though, as Mago said.
Guitars sound killer man. The bass feels like it has plenty of low end but could maybe use a bit of presence? Vocals could be a tad louder. They do sound PISSED though. Awesome overall. IIRC you're using amp sims? Or are these re-amped? Interested to what the signal chain is...
Slammin' mix! Agreed about the vocals needing coming up a tad, other than that I'd say you're extremely close to the final product.
I guess my question would be how you got the bassdrops to sit so well? They sound monstrous yet very smooth.
man all the clips i've heard, i really think i'm going to like this album once it's out, really "tingles" my "spidersense". :loco: that clip sounds really good. i've also come to the conclusion that i dig the shit out of that vocalist.

also agree with Mayo (who seems to have gained an unfortunate nickname thanks to this thread :lol: )

just one question: when???