Erkan, mary me and let's have a lot of album-children with a lot of good drumming inside !
I'm not sure what you mean but uhhh... yeah, maybe
Great stuff Erkan!!!
I fuckin love this shit.
Anyway, a couple of questions:
-Is that a rehearsal room you are recording in? if so do you have an extended lease on the place?
-is the sonic isolation good between rooms in the building?
-do you record many projects in that space?
basically i'm trying to scope out what kind of an operation you're running in that space. I've looked into rehearsal rooms around here that could be used as a recording studio, but all of them are in studio buildings, and I don't think those guys would appreciate having someone set up a rival studio in their own building
by the way, the drums sound great!
Once again, thanks to everyone for all the great feedback. It seems all these countless hours that I have put into this are starting to show some results and it feels really really good to hear all this!
Anyway, to answer your questions:
It's a rehearsal room yeah so it's definately not on par with a studio's standards for room acoustics and so on. Sometimes I feel like I would be better off just buying a nice drum sample library and programming the stuff but I really wanted real drums on this project to use this project as some sort of showcase in the future, to sum up all my skills in different things and so on. It might help me get a job somewhere which I guess is a part of the goal with all of this too. But who knows, if the music gets picked up by the waves and carried out, I might be able to continue writing stuff and just focus on being creative

Whoops, side-tracked here... uhmm, the lease, yeah I rent that space with my friends on a 6 month period so I pay twice per year.
No actually the sonic isolation is pretty crap but it depends. I'm on the third floor so there are bands to the sides AND underneath me. I have a really pissed off grindcore band as one of my neighbours and when they start rehearsing... forget about recording anything with microphones. I can only track electrical instruments then. So it's kind of hard and frustrating to record drums and vocals and I usually try to do that in the hours where most bands don't play (before 18:00 usually).
Nope, I don't market my "studio" as a real studio for the simple reason: it's not a real studio. I simply call it "Studio Erdo" just to give people a name to remember and also because I have plans on building a home studio down in the basement after summer so then I will be able to continue on this whole "Studio Erdo" thing and do it for "real". But anyway, I don't compete with any studio around here because I know my place. I'm still just a whelp trying to learn stuff, just minding my own business. I do have plans on growing and expanding as said though

A home studio is one step in the right direction but then I won't be able to track real drums which is sad. Neighbours you know...
Yeah I feel your pain, it's not easy to find a place where you can setup your studio at. Either it needs to be done at home, pissing off neighbours if you plan on tracking loud stuff, or you have to just look around and talk to people and see if it's okay to run a studio at some place.