Studio Log Part 1: Intro, Quick tour

Good job! Nice video, good drumming, excellent intro song!
I agree with an earlier post: really good English! Better than mine (that's for sure!)
Thanks for sharing with us!
Take care

Also, for the drum sound on the sample you've posted here, are the drums natural drum sounds, or have you replaced the drum sounds for samples you've made?

I guess you mean the sample in this thread? The kick is blended about equally with another sample so you about 50/50 natural/sample. The snare is more like 65/35 natural/sample. Toms and everything else is natural.

Cool drumming. Is your family Turkish?

Yup, but damn I hate that the YouTube video is linked to all the other turks who call themselves "Erdo", you know, when the video is over and it suggests other videos... it just looks stupid :|

Did I hear some Textures intro? Nice :D

Hell yeah you did! :D If I had time I would learn the whole song. <3 Textures and love Stef (or was it Stefan)'s drumming!

Do I recognize Bleed ?

I dream of a drummer like you for my stuff :)

Yeah some bleed in there too but I really love playing those swiss triplets so I don't always think of bleed when I do them. I sometimes play them around the kit on the toms and stuff too but I guess Meshuggah have more or less trademarked the swiss triplets by now :)

Really cool video Erkan! What camera did you get in the end?

I decided not to be a cheap ass fawk so I got myself a Canon EOS 550D as a treat for myself.. since no one else is getting me one! Haha :)

Dude! You just played Laments of an Icarus flawless, i've been struggling for ages combining the ride part + the kicks but it always fucks me up somehow, i always think the wearing drum-handgloves looks a little gay, but if it works out for you :) (Just being a drummer elitist who's messing around :P) Sick playing and very cool vid

Not flawless, I wasn't sure on the transition but I just play it for fun sometimes for some warm up :) I used to think the same about handgloves but I really "need" to wear them sometimes because I play drums so rarely that my hands soften up. This means I INSTANTLY get huge blisters after playing and then I can barely play for a few days after that instead. Plus, Mario from Gojira wears handgloves quite often... that's just fucking COOOOOL haha :)

Haha jag hörde inte "throw up"-delen först.
Come ooooon inte Franks : ( Det finns ju 50cls powerking nuförtiden, GO!

Hehe yeah gotta love that "throw up" part :) Powerking is nice too but I don't know... there's just something about Frank's that puts a smile on my face :D
Also have to add this big THANK YOU to everyone for all the comments. For some reason I feel like I don't deserve all this credit but that's just a problem I have so I'll ignore that and suck all of that nice credits in! All of this wouldn't have been possible without this forum anyway so.. you all know you're an important part in this.

Scott, there is no way my english is better than yours haha :) I speak very "undefined" if you ask me. Sometimes even I can barely make out what I'm saying. I'm kinda sloppy in my speech but that will hopefully improve over these videos by simply speaking more english.
Cool vid!

Which drums and cymbals are those you're using? I'm gonna throw a guess and say that kit is Tama, don't hit me if I'm wrong - I'm not too good at identifying kits. I have to say I was expecting a description when you were filming it, but the crickets weren't helpful enough :lol:

Cool drumming, too. The snare sounded kinda weird at the end, but that's probably because of the camera's microphone.

And a CME M-key here also - one of the best bang-for-buck pieces of gear I own.
I think i saw a Pearl logo saying peek-a-boo in the vid sopulurn.

Not flawless, I wasn't sure on the transition but I just play it for fun sometimes for some warm up I used to think the same about handgloves but I really "need" to wear them sometimes because I play drums so rarely that my hands soften up. This means I INSTANTLY get huge blisters after playing and then I can barely play for a few days after that instead. Plus, Mario from Gojira wears handgloves quite often... that's just fucking COOOOOL haha

Well maybe not totally flawless, but great nonetheless! The transition isn't correct indeed, you still have the TAATAA-uh-TAA part (i don't know what it is so i'll just call it that ;)) Stef is also a sick sick drummer, and a great guy too. And not to mention he's a leftie, like me! Woot. Yeah i hear you with the blisters and stuff, the thing is that over the years my hands gained a fair amount of callosity (this is the word according to Babelfish :P).

I can't really tell what size drumstick you're playing, personally i play with 2B, which is a really fat/heavy stick and 5B for lighter stuff such as pop/jazz. The thing with thin sticks playing metal/rock is it is really easy to squeeze too hard when you're playing loud, which causes blister offcourse. When i moved to 2B it was really getting used too but now i don't play with anything else, PLUS you have to use a lot more effort in getting your drums sound loud when you play lighter sticks. Just my 50 pence :)

P.S : Your English isn't bad at all man, 85% of the Dutch people talk way and way worse
Which drums and cymbals are those you're using? ... I have to say I was expecting a description when you were filming it, but the crickets weren't helpful enough :lol:

Cool drumming, too. The snare sounded kinda weird at the end, but that's probably because of the camera's microphone.

And a CME M-key here also - one of the best bang-for-buck pieces of gear I own.

The description comes in part 2 but now that I think of it... I never talked about the cymbals in any part :) I'm not too obsessed by gear so I usually don't talk THAT much about my gear. If I see people asking about it more and more though, I will go back and record a short vid where I explain the gear in detail. But yeah, before I forget, the drums are Pearl Export and the cymbals are turkish hand-made stuff namely: Masterwork, Istanbul and Bosphorus.

Yeah the camera's mic can't be trusted for much plus that the snare is tuned differently on that clip than while recording. Not to mention that the camera is positioned waaaaaaay differently than the snare mic is so... yeah, quite weird indeed :)

Aye, I'm only afraid that the joystick will break on the CME though but it seems solid enough. Otherwise it's a great MIDI keyboard for the price.

ShallowEulogy, I agree with the stick choise. I used to play very light sticks a few years ago after my injury but then I slowly recovered and played on 5A for a while. Now I'm up at 5B and it feels good and I'm happy with them for any style really.
Great stuff Erkan!!! :kickass:

I fuckin love this shit.

Anyway, a couple of questions:

-Is that a rehearsal room you are recording in? if so do you have an extended lease on the place?

-is the sonic isolation good between rooms in the building?

-do you record many projects in that space?

basically i'm trying to scope out what kind of an operation you're running in that space. I've looked into rehearsal rooms around here that could be used as a recording studio, but all of them are in studio buildings, and I don't think those guys would appreciate having someone set up a rival studio in their own building :lol:

by the way, the drums sound great! :)

Erkan, mary me and let's have a lot of album-children with a lot of good drumming inside !

I'm not sure what you mean but uhhh... yeah, maybe :D

Great stuff Erkan!!! :kickass:

I fuckin love this shit.

Anyway, a couple of questions:

-Is that a rehearsal room you are recording in? if so do you have an extended lease on the place?

-is the sonic isolation good between rooms in the building?

-do you record many projects in that space?

basically i'm trying to scope out what kind of an operation you're running in that space. I've looked into rehearsal rooms around here that could be used as a recording studio, but all of them are in studio buildings, and I don't think those guys would appreciate having someone set up a rival studio in their own building :lol:

by the way, the drums sound great! :)


Once again, thanks to everyone for all the great feedback. It seems all these countless hours that I have put into this are starting to show some results and it feels really really good to hear all this!

Anyway, to answer your questions:

It's a rehearsal room yeah so it's definately not on par with a studio's standards for room acoustics and so on. Sometimes I feel like I would be better off just buying a nice drum sample library and programming the stuff but I really wanted real drums on this project to use this project as some sort of showcase in the future, to sum up all my skills in different things and so on. It might help me get a job somewhere which I guess is a part of the goal with all of this too. But who knows, if the music gets picked up by the waves and carried out, I might be able to continue writing stuff and just focus on being creative :) Whoops, side-tracked here... uhmm, the lease, yeah I rent that space with my friends on a 6 month period so I pay twice per year.

No actually the sonic isolation is pretty crap but it depends. I'm on the third floor so there are bands to the sides AND underneath me. I have a really pissed off grindcore band as one of my neighbours and when they start rehearsing... forget about recording anything with microphones. I can only track electrical instruments then. So it's kind of hard and frustrating to record drums and vocals and I usually try to do that in the hours where most bands don't play (before 18:00 usually).

Nope, I don't market my "studio" as a real studio for the simple reason: it's not a real studio. I simply call it "Studio Erdo" just to give people a name to remember and also because I have plans on building a home studio down in the basement after summer so then I will be able to continue on this whole "Studio Erdo" thing and do it for "real". But anyway, I don't compete with any studio around here because I know my place. I'm still just a whelp trying to learn stuff, just minding my own business. I do have plans on growing and expanding as said though :) A home studio is one step in the right direction but then I won't be able to track real drums which is sad. Neighbours you know... :(

Yeah I feel your pain, it's not easy to find a place where you can setup your studio at. Either it needs to be done at home, pissing off neighbours if you plan on tracking loud stuff, or you have to just look around and talk to people and see if it's okay to run a studio at some place.
Erkan you can speak Turkish too, right? I found your accent very similiar to mine:)