Studio update...

Lars Eric Si

Jan 4, 2005
Jyväskylä, Finland
We're now done with most of the vocals and, in my opinion, they sound great. (Of course - I'm the singer... :loco: )
There are some small "details" left, but I can promise, here and now, hand on my heart, that the new album will be mindblowingly different from the previous Winds albums in it's complexity both in vocal lines and vocal styles.
So now you don't have any excuses what so ever for not buying it...

Best regards and a Merry Christmas to you all!
Man, I'm working on waiting as much as possible. Its getting harder by the update.
Thanx man cant wait. Its good to see that with so many "singers" out there playing it safe, that your willing to test what your voice can do. and from the collection I have your a freak (I mean that nicely)
BTW hope you and the guys had a killer christmas.