Stupid algebra problem

Kvlt Wench

sews no mercy
Jun 23, 2003
San Francisco
Cleo the Camel works for the owner of a small remote banana plantation. This year's harvest consists of 3000 bananas. Cleo can carry up to 1000 bananas at a time. The market place where the bananas are sold is 1000 miles away. Unfortunately, Cleo eats one banana each and every mile she walks. Of the 3000 bananas harvested, what is the largest number of bananas Cleo can get to the market?

IT'S MORE THAN ZERO! My algebra teachers says it's between 500-700.

You can drop them off and pick them back up later. Nobody will steal them. Once you get to the market place, you do not need to go back.

Help will be greatly apprieciated.
I went the psych route to avoid questions such as these. You have to ask yourself how many bananas will it take to make Cloe full and/or sick. Once you've figured out what the banana capacity of a camel is, you're set.

Not very helpful. Sorry. I got a 'D' on my finite math final for solving the node theory problems using Kruskal's algorithm (from CS) and not finite math. Needless to say, If I can't code it, I can't think it, either.

If I can unfeeble my mind enough to write it out, I may mess with it. Then again, I'm also half tempted just to go to bed...math at this hour of the night....should be watching CSI....
CSI was on last night dude. and what do you mean "this time of night" haha it was only like 9:00pm where you are when you wrote that. 9 oclock at night is only late if you're some kind of old fart, or if you get up at like 3 am. people who code are usually UP till 3am becuaswe they're all hopped up on redbull and nerdery haha.
i haven't taken math in years. i'm also very drunk, so you'll have to bear with me and check for mistakes. however, i think i got the general idea. i hope i didn't break any rules. can you go a certain distance, drop stuff off, and return back to where you started? i think you can.

just for the hell of it let's say:

3000 bananas left

go 400 miles forward with 1000 bananas

drop 200 (ate 400 to get there)

go back 400 miles (eating as many bananas)

go 400 miles forward again with 1000 bananas

drop 200 (ate 400 on the way) --total bananas left at mile 400 is 400.

go back 400 miles (eating as many bananas)

take last 1000, walk 400 miles (eating 400)

drop 600, making total at mile 400 = 1000 bananas. (600 miles to the market)

that means you can bring 400 bananas to the market (take the thousand, walk 600 miles, and eat 600 bananas).

i reckon you have to make some sort of formula to see what the max number of bananas remaining after dropping them off is. i'm going to sleep, but might get back to you tomorrow.
Stealer of Dreams said:
Thanks, but it has to be more than 500.

i made up some formulas. this might be confusing. this is only for one drop off point. i'm not sure if an answer of more than 400 is possible with one drop off point. i'm too lazy to construct a formula for more than one (the one i'm giving you already has 4 variables). anyway, there it is:

here are the variables: Y is total number of bananas at the drop point. X is number of miles travelled or bananas eaten (the same thing). Z is miles to go to the market after the drop point. M is the number of bananas that make it to the market. X has to be between (and not equal to) 0 and 500 -- this is because you can only walk 500 miles there and back, because you carry 1000 bananas max, and eat one every mile.

Y = -5X + 3000
Z = 1000 - X
M = Y - Z

i got the -5x because there are 5 trips to the drop point. the 3000 is the number of bananas. X is negative because the number of bananas decreases with each mile walked.

just to test out the equation, and to demonstrate how it works, let's take the example already posted.

3000 bananas left

1)go 400 miles forward with 1000 bananas

[X = 400]

drop 200 (ate 400 to get there)

2) go back 400 miles (eating as many bananas)

3) go 400 miles forward again with 1000 bananas

drop 200 (ate 400 on the way) --total bananas left at mile 400 is 400.

4) go back 400 miles (eating as many bananas)

5) take last 1000, walk 400 miles (eating 400)

drop 600, making total at mile 400 = 1000 bananas. (600 miles to the market)

[Y = -5X + 3000]
Y = (-5)(400) + 3000
Y = 1000 [this means that there are 1000 bananas at the 400th mile after the 5th trip.]

that means you can bring 400 bananas to the market (take the thousand, walk 600 miles, and eat 600 bananas).
Z = 1000 - X
Z = 1000 - 400
Z = 600 [this means there are 600 miles left to the market]

M = Y - Z
M = 1000 - 600
M = 400 [this means 400 bananas can be taken to the market]

you can try other values for X, like if you pick 499, M will come out to 4.

to get the answer, i guess you have to work backwards where M is between 500 and 700. as i've said X is between 0 and 500, which makes Y between 505 and 2995. plot the first formula on a graph for X values between 0 and 500. this should let you see all the possible values of X and Y in that space. then i guess you plug those numbers into the formulas...with one drop point an answer of over 400 is probably impossible...can't think anymore.
:yell: AAAARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!:yell:

What the hell!
You do not need to go back, but all you do is go back after a drop off point!!??
The way back, the camel needs to eat too, right?
(and if this is NOT the issue, this question sucks and explains to me why math and i never got along!!)
1000 miles to the mall, 1 banana per mile.
You have 0 left when you get to the mall.
And ever worse:
your camel will be dead and you'll never get home with it.
Just tell your teacher you need another camel!
I can still hear my teacher say:
"Iris, your logica issues are gonna kill you some day".

Fuck, i hate math!

Sorry Isabel, we went through this yesterday, i'm no help when it comes to this kind of math! Good luck with it..and if you get the answer by your teacher, post it, please. (not that i will understand it but still..i want to know).
Stealer of Dreams said:
Thanks, but it has to be more than 500.

the formulas above are wrong. here's how you can get more than 500:

3000 bananas left, 1000 miles to market.

take 1000 bananas, walk 200 miles.

drop off 600 bananas at mile 200.

go back (eating 200, and you ate 200 to get there)

take 2nd 1000 bananas, go 200 miles forward.

drop off 600 bananas at mile 200, making total 1200 bananas.

go back (eating 200, and you ate 200 to get there)

take last 1000 bananas, walk 200 miles forward.

drop 800 bananas at mile 200, making total 2000 bananas and 800 miles to the market.


2000 bananas, 800 miles to market

take 1000 bananas, go 325 miles forward (eating as many)

drop 350 bananas at mile 325 [or 525, figuring in original distance] (475 miles left to market)

go back, eating 325 bananas.

take 2nd 1000 bananas, go 325 miles forward (eating as many)

drop off 675 bananas, making total at mile 325 [or mile 525] of 1000 bananas. there are 475 miles left to market, which means you can bring 525 bananas to market.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Common sense would say find a closer market, 1000 miles is a fucking long way to go to sell bananas.

That and the problem has so many open options in the way of drop off points, Person leading camel taking shit, a spare horse that isnt a greedy fucker etc.....

The answer is ..........common sence is not common
In the bark coloured hospital bed made of hockey pucks and pop-sickle
stick weapons.Then the taxi stops at the door of nonsence-ickles.
"This is my Island" said Mr. T " I pity them kids in the new Slayer DVD"
So the epileptic shock treatment is no way to treat a wall wart.Then they start playing that jazz song called "pretentious" just when you thought it was safe to leave the tree fort,along comes the Gov of California "What you talkin' 'bout Sybil" Bowling pin beers for all the pap smear survivors on Opraha-shima.Sucurity guards my me feel safe amongst them wildcats of high (dumpster) divers.Dude ,Wheres My Car(cass)
Smile ,your on Candid Camera????

Insanity comes in many colours
I chose plaid with a checkered border


BTW they spell color like colour in canda