Stupid Fukin IDIOTS (sanctuary)

Apparently, Sanctuary Records have been out to fuck Anthrax completely. This was their idea from the start. They acted like they would support We've Come For You All. They almost sort of supported WCFYA for a very, very short time. And that was it.
Sanctuary likes to have Anthrax make albums and DVDs, but they wouldn't support said albums/DVDs to save their own lives. They won't support because they want Anthrax to fail at every attempt.

Here's the way it should be:

Street Team:
Hello label, our team needs items to promote the new CD.

Sure, we'll send some out directly.

Here's how it is:

Street Team:
We need SOMETHING, ANYTHING to promote the new CD.

Could you Anthrax street teamers please vote for TESLA.

Street Team:
Fuck that. Could you send some Anthrax promotional items??


(no reply... ever)
ThraxMan said:
How does the band feel about the lack of promotion and distribution? It'd be interesting what they think.

I bet they feel the same way we do, multiplied by 100.
Anyone know how many albums they're contracted to?

I was actually surprised to find multiple copies of GOTE when I went to Best Buy. Pretty sad to have to feel relieved when you find your favorite band's album actually in stock on the release date.
i know its fucked but are u really suprised,anthrax must have known this before they did the deal!!!

hopefully they are off contract soon and get something slightly better.
i have a feeling the bestbuy that i went to fucked up. they always have alot of stock of stuff i'm looking for. They've had every les claypool CD i've looked for when it came out. but still i was disconcerted that they didn't even have a devider for anthrax.
bull fucking shit is what i say to sanctuary though.
How about this? Anthrax sells what? Around 65,000 copies of WCFYA, what do you think the label is gunna do?, Shell out a bunch of money to a band that has done nothing for them?. Look at it from all sides. Anthrax sells nothing. From the label's point of view, why waste money? I know it sux, but look at the big pic people. They took a risk with Anthrax and now see it was a waste of there time. This cd will sell less than 25,000 total. But thats still good depending on how you look at it...
That's fuckin' strange because we got it here (Rockford, IL) on 11/23 at Media Play (a Sam Goody-owned thing), Best Buy, Circuit City and, believe it or not, Walmart! In fact, both Best Buy and Media Play had at least a dozen of them on the rack and another dozen or so in an overflow box nearby.
Meijer, Media Play & Circuit City all have it here but Best Buy did not(nor did they have any of the other CDs I was looking for). I havn't looked at Wal-mart but I highly doubt they'd have it have it since 90% of their music is country in my area.
Im out visiting my mom and dad in southern california, and I have found it at multiple stores. Best Buy had it, the local independent had it (and out front as well). And some other big chain has it. Im not having a hard time finding it. But I agree that promotion of this album does suck.
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
How about this? Anthrax sells what? Around 65,000 copies of WCFYA, what do you think the label is gunna do?, Shell out a bunch of money to a band that has done nothing for them?.
Yeah, but there's a reason that they are selling nothing. They are selling nothing because Sanctuary ain't fucking promoting them. WCFYA had about ZERO promotion via Sanctuary records. The only promotion of the album I saw was a few magazine ads, from BEFORE they signed with Sanctuary...ArtistDirect probably paid for it... about fuckin' 6 months before it came out. Usually with no promotion and distribution, of course shit don't sell.
Hey Buddy I thought you were smarter than that. How about with even a minimal marketing plan that is actually put into play and then the band sells twice as many records. Do you think we went gold in the past without the label spending a shitload of money? It's the oldest cliche in the book, you have to spend money to make money. In Europe NB actually promotes the band and we've sold triple the amount we have in the states. At this point we might sell more records in the UK than the U.S.! And that's in a much smaller overall market. Sanctuary made money on WCFYA. I know. I've seen the accounting. They paid nothing for MMD. Their business model is based on spending as little as possible and taking whatever profit they can to make their books look good. We expected this. What's important is it's not a new studio record in this situation and it will never be.
Tad - Where is Nick's # and email? Post it BIG.
Yeah totally. I can tell Anthrax puts forth the effort that most bands don't. I mean, I'm a relatively new fan...hell, I never really checked out Anthrax until that Maximum Rock Pay Per View...and that made me a fan. And ever since then I've been buying Anthrax shit nonstop. I've seen you guys live 7 times already since the tour with Priest in 2002...that's more than any other band. You guys put so much not only into the music (which goes without saying, best live show I've ever witnessed), but even the packaging of the albums. Awesome artwork. You let the fans vote and request songs. The fans started a campaign to hear Lone Justice...and you listened. It's just bullshit that Anthrax are not being promoted, because you guys are kicking the shit out of every other metal band today, as far as I'm concerned. I really hope you guys get this label shit sorted out, because you deserve much better.
Mr. Wu said:
...Sanctuary made money on WCFYA. I know. I've seen the accounting. They paid nothing for MMD. Their business model is based on spending as little as possible and taking whatever profit they can to make their books look good. We expected this...QUOTE]

So Wu, how long are you guys tied to Sucktuary? Can you bail? Do you have any prospects for post-Sucktuary?

Can you even talk about it...?