Stupid Fukin IDIOTS (sanctuary)

yeah i signed up, bought a staple gun and i never got anything, i only need one copy cuz my printer dont work i'd be happy to make my own.
Mr. Wu said:
Hey Buddy I thought you were smarter than that. How about with even a minimal marketing plan that is actually put into play and then the band sells twice as many records. Do you think we went gold in the past without the label spending a shitload of money? It's the oldest cliche in the book, you have to spend money to make money. In Europe NB actually promotes the band and we've sold triple the amount we have in the states. At this point we might sell more records in the UK than the U.S.! And that's in a much smaller overall market. Sanctuary made money on WCFYA. I know. I've seen the accounting. They paid nothing for MMD. Their business model is based on spending as little as possible and taking whatever profit they can to make their books look good. We expected this. What's important is it's not a new studio record in this situation and it will never be.
Tad - Where is Nick's # and email? Post it BIG.
Basically I am sayin the lable sux. I know if they put more mony in promoting it, it would sell more, But it just looks like they dont care.
Sanctuary sounds fucking awfull i feel lucky that im under the nuclear blast umbrella regarding distribution and marketing. I've saw loads of promo's for the album over here.
Hail the Nuclear Blast!
Yeah but that does suck what Scott said-no studio record in this situation...
Anyway, Buddy, the label must INVEST the money into promotion when they want to sell it.
A piece of dog crap in golden wrap-up would sell well if it had huge-ass promotion and advertisements everywhere, trust me.
They've really sucked at promoting it.
Why aren't the video's being shown?
When WCFYA came out, they had Keanu Reeves in a video! Keanu Reeves was very popular at the time too, but did we ever see it get air play...NO!
Just another missed opportunity of promoting it.
I'm praying that there will be a Clash of the Titans 2!
Sanctuary was a necessary evil at the time after we signed with Artist Direct only to find out they were bankrupt. WCFYA was already out in Europe and being bought on import here and downloaded like crazy. We had no time to properly shop the record. I can't talk about the future, just know we will sort it out and know that we absolutely fucking appreciate your support and will do everything to keep you guys informed.
When I bought my copy it wasn't in the Anthrax section. It was right above it and I almost missed it but I was fucking determined and got it. Tower is having great sale. Thin I'll go back and get 7 Seconds, some AC/DC and who knows.
Mr. Wu said:
....just know we will sort it out and know that we absolutely fucking appreciate your support and will do everything to keep you guys informed.

No sweat Wu, there isnt a more loyal fan base then yours, I think. Were with you all the way...besides are we gonna start listening to the Simpson sisters and there ditzy friends( althouhg there are some nice firm (.)(.)'s in this young pop wave) LMAO!!

See ya on tour when ya come this way. Tell Frankie "good job" in Helmet.

{ MichiMikey tosses Wu a cuppabrew Motorcity style, hits Rob, starts brawl...}
If someone would post a flyer adverising the new album. I'd be happy to print it and post it around town. A staple gun a a little paste ca go along way.
i had trouble finding it. i made the guy at best buy look in the computer. this was on wednesday, the day AFTER the cd came out. so he said "someone must have fucked up somewhere"

he eventually found some copies on the rack that was ready to be put on the shelves

my question is why wasnt it put out on TUESDAY!?
Wow, now I can see why you guys are touring so often...with assholes at the label, you don't have much of a choice huh. Well I think it's self evident that you have the most die-hard fanbase around.

Anyway, now that we're on the topic of contracts and such, I heard a sort-of-rumor saying that the way contracts work is that artists are given a certain budget, and if the label doesn't make back that money buy selling the album the artist is in debt for the difference. True? Close to true? Blatantly false?
Mr. Wu said:
Hey Buddy I thought you were smarter than that. How about with even a minimal marketing plan that is actually put into play and then the band sells twice as many records. Do you think we went gold in the past without the label spending a shitload of money? It's the oldest cliche in the book, you have to spend money to make money. In Europe NB actually promotes the band and we've sold triple the amount we have in the states. At this point we might sell more records in the UK than the U.S.! And that's in a much smaller overall market. Sanctuary made money on WCFYA. I know. I've seen the accounting. They paid nothing for MMD. Their business model is based on spending as little as possible and taking whatever profit they can to make their books look good. We expected this. What's important is it's not a new studio record in this situation and it will never be.
Tad - Where is Nick's # and email? Post it BIG.

don't ever assume Buddy is smarter than anything.
I just sent a letter to Sanctuary.

Maybe I should have walked it over in person and asked to see Merck Mercurides.

I'm really sick of the lack of effort. Of course, I'm sure Sanctuary will be less inclined to help considering how we all bash them.

I hope the boys write a really angry studio album next year.
DarbysDad said:
When I bought my copy it wasn't in the Anthrax section. It was right above it and I almost missed it but I was fucking determined and got it. Tower is having great sale. Thin I'll go back and get 7 Seconds, some AC/DC and who knows.
7 seconds rule!!
I went to Fye in dc and they didn't have it then I went to best buy and they didn't have it either and then when I went to the mall to buy some clothes I went stop by a diffent Fye and they had it two copies of it but I didn't have any cash so I got some and went back and they were gone. So I think thats a good sign. sucks for me though I still don't have a fucking copy. My brother does though he let me listen to like half of it and went back to his place. So I have to keep looking. Where everybody get theres?