Stupid Fukin IDIOTS (sanctuary)

If Sanctuary wants to lose money then fuck em. To bad the band is losing out as well. I think this album could be one of there biggest sellers if a little push was put behind it. Most folks even the hardcore Belladonna and Turbin fans, who belive them to be the best thing since bottled beer, want to hear Bush on this record fr better or for worse.
i think anthrax should go for roarunner,now we all know that bands dont make money selling 50 or 100 thousand records but anthrax would have far greater touring opportunies and would be headling alot more shows with lesser known bands supporting them

what do u guys think about roadrunner?
Roadrunner tried to screw S.O.D. when they decided to make a new studio album. the offer they made them was a joke i guess. i remember reading in metal edge about it. Scott said that they offered another band (he didn't name them, but i'm pretty sure it was the Misfits) the same deal that scott, charlie, danny and billy wanted. i've also heard they screw pretty much every band on their roster with the exception of their cash cow, Nickelback. Alan from Life of Agony said they aren't getting a fucking penny from the "Very Best of LOA" that Roadrunner put out, but they still helped out with the packaging and whatnot. corey from slipknot has slagged them in the media too.

i don't know the first fucking thing about the music business, but since nuclear blast is doing sucha great job in europe, why not sign in the US? or century media?
Steve M said:
Roadrunner tried to screw S.O.D. when they decided to make a new studio album. the offer they made them was a joke i guess. i remember reading in metal edge about it. Scott said that they offered another band (he didn't name them, but i'm pretty sure it was the Misfits) the same deal that scott, charlie, danny and billy wanted. i've also heard they screw pretty much every band on their roster with the exception of their cash cow, Nickelback. Alan from Life of Agony said they aren't getting a fucking penny from the "Very Best of LOA" that Roadrunner put out, but they still helped out with the packaging and whatnot. corey from slipknot has slagged them in the media too.

i don't know the first fucking thing about the music business, but since nuclear blast is doing sucha great job in europe, why not sign in the US? or century media?
century media wouldnt be a bad thing,the people that are in charge are actually passionate about what they do.
As the head of one of the bigger webzines I can tell you that it has been hard to promote Anthrax. In fact, it has been hard to promote any band on that label. This week I am doing a big huge "Anthrax week" celebration and putting the band all over the place with downloads, contests, interviews, reviews, and more all week. How did I do this? The label hired a few outside companies to push this thing. Now that should give us some hope. I don't think they did this with least I never saw any push from my end.

So for the last ten years, I have not been able to push one of my favorite bands. This album I was. This is a good sign people. The label may start pushing them if we just give them a chance. Read my interview with John and you may gain some hope as well.