Stupid People Ruin Everything


Much less calm than you
Sep 14, 2004
Last night I went to a late night showing of Donnie Darko. I really like this movie and I like it more everytime I see it. It is a very complex movie and I look at it as a challenge to find a new level or meaning to it on each viewing. Apparently, some people don't see it this way. A bunch of people in the theater were yelling at the screen (or telling others to shut up), frequently about how much they didn't like the movie. This is something that is supposed to be done at cheesy easily understood late nights, not complex interesting films. The only reason I can assume for such reactions is that their sub-par intellects were rejecting having to work while watching something so they had to find some way to entertain themselves for two hours, simultaneously ruining the experience for those of us who want to get something out the film. Thus, stupid people ruin everything.
Well thats your call. I don't have a problem with people not liking the movies I like its just when dumb people decide to ruin my enjoyment of something that I start to have problems.
Everyone, I should point out that gekko the third roommate who lives with Nils and me this year. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, there are now three of us.
The movie didn't actually make my Top Hated Movies Of All Time list until people started saying stuff like "you didn't like it? oh, you probably didn't get it!" when I politely told them I didn't think the movie was very good.

It does suck when people act like jackasses in theatres. Some old guy tried to start shit with me when I went to go see Shaun of The Dead last night because I was putting my feet up on the empty seat next to him.
As far as the movie last night goes, it was the Midnight Movie at the Byrd, so the audience was to be expected. Those things always bring out the freaks and weirdos, and part of the experience is people shouting the lines along with the actors, yelling stuff at the screens, and generally telling others quite loudly (and frequently) to "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Yeah, it was a bit excessive last night, and a few of the parts I really like I couldn't hear, but overall I think it was more people who had seen the movie a lot and knew it anyway rather than people who didn't get it. I mean, the one guy who was yelling the most was usually saying each line just before it was said on screen, in addition to yelling "give her the shocker!" 142,329,663 times. I really enjoy Donnie Darko for being very entertaining every time I watch it, because there are so many great lines. My enjoyment of it wasn't really hurt any by being around a bunch of other people who enjoy it for many of the same reasons I do. Though I can understand your frustration at a few of the people (who were of the type that would probably engage in that sort of behavior no matter where they were or what they were doing) I don't think that the majority of the audience was there for any reason other than why we were: to see a movie we already know pretty well on a big screen in a beautiful old theatre late at night surrounded by freaks and weirdos. Plus, you can always do more intensive viewings on your own, Gordon, you crazy theatre major, you.
i thought it was all right. i think it had some good parts and i appreciated its attempts, at least, at good filmmaking. i do think it was over-rated at first, and now i think it's unjustly hated.

none of you guys have apparently lived for a long period of time in an entirely african-american area.
I was honestly surprised by how much I liked Donnie Darko. Usually, any attempt to remake an icon of the 80's pisses me off. Those that had enough talent to do it successfully, already have. But Swayze... the man never existed nearly as much as the body did.
because the surprise and horror at people being loud assholes during films is not generally experienced after the 234988947th time you go to MAGIC Theatre and it's full of--surprise!--loud assholes.
Yeah, but white high school/college aged "goth/punk/whatever" kids definitely put themselves in contention with black people for the title of "most annoying to watch a movie with." Though I agree with you - in the end, a theatre full of black people can get pretty intense. That's why I never saw Johnson Family Vacation...
if it's the right kind of movie, it can be fun. the problem is that only like 10% of the movies i see are the right kind of movie for audience participation, yet people just don't know when to shut up.

12 Monkeys (awesome movie) was kind of wrecked for me in the theatre because of some loud urban guy in front of us. in the title credits, they're flashing the names one by one, and the name JON SEDA comes up, and he shouts, "YO, JON SECADA, YO!" and laughs and elbows his girlfriend. it went downhill from there.
d.d. is definitely NOT the kind of movie for audience participation. that absolutely SUCKS that people were that loud. this happened to me at a screening of a godard film downtown once, and after the movie i demanded my $ back because no one came in and quieted down the loudtalkers and they actually did give me my $ back.
that's also the first time i ever complained in my life about something i paid for.
The only problem with complaining about it to the management at this particular theatre during the Saturday Midnight Movie is that they will just tell you "this is the crowd we get every week, so you have to expect this type of behavior." I've heard them say that to someone before. So it doesn't do any good, and you kind of know what you're getting into, although they were pretty freaking bad this week.
Dude, I realize that is the type of thing one normally expects at this theater and I'm cool with that because they usually play movies that don't really require thought. But as minxnim said, Donnie Darko is simply not appropriate for that sort of thing.
I guess its possible. But I saw the same movie at the same showing last year and people were fairly respectful. Maybe I was being unrealistic is expecting that again.