Stupid places you've vomited?


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
I guess this needs a thread all of it's own.

Back in my late teens / early 20's I was in the town centre where I lived doing a bit of shopping on a busy saturday. I freely admit that the night before I had imbibed one or two sociable alcoholic beverages. Needless to say i wasn't feeling too great.

I got myself a huge soda from a fast food place, drank it all in almost one go, and that's when my problems started. I was in a busy shopping precinct and I was going to vomit in the next 10 seconds...

All I could do was run to the nearest shop doorway, the local branch of Benetton. I swung open the door, said "sorry" to the shocked looking sales staff and unleashed a 3 yard projectile of old kebab and Diet Coke onto their carpet. I then ran like bloody fuck. But I felt a WHOLE lot better...

Does anyone else have as little shame?
In the shower after a 6-hour epic freeride/cross country bike race ( i was horirbly underprepared as I had no clue what it would be like, how long, etc. )...

By the end of the race I was suffering from: Severe heat stroke, severe dehydration, blood loss, a dislocated shoulder and pulled muscle in my thigh. I crossed finish line, and Tony (guy who ran the bike club) asked "so, how was the race", I said "awesome, but..." then passed out on my bike and came to a while later in the truck headed home. While in the shower I was crying for no reason and puked at one point. Then my parents took me to hospital where I spent 2 days on IV.
I came very close to passing out when having my first tattoo done at the age of 16. Everything kind-of went white and I felt very sick, very quick. The girl doing the tat asked if I wanted to go to the bathroom and I was up like a shot.

I locked myself in there, but I was feeling very woozy and wasn't sure if I was going to shit or puke. I figured a shit would be the worst of the two evils, so I got my undies down and sat, expecting the worse.

Unfortunately even though my asshole was going dime/quarter nothing was actually coming out. It was then I managed to vomit into my own lap, directly onto my cock and balls.

Luckily I missed my bunched up trouser and underwear entirely, so I was able to clean myself up without giving too much away. The chick insisted I had a breath mint before we started on the tattoo again though...
Had the stomach flu in january and went to thebathroom to puke into the toilet, but I kind missed the bowl and hit the tank instead. That shitstall was COVERED in puke, except splashback at me, luckily. I then went to the next one over and had explosive diarhea all over it (think the previous one but brown). About 5 minutes later, the rest of the school day was cancelled cause of snow (yay for vancouver being pussy about snow). I then went home and puked almost non-stop for 5 days straight.
Oh my god, these stories.... :lol: The Beneton story is outstanding.

I don't really have a funny puke story (not that I can remember), but I've got a pretty cast iron stomach. Sure, I've puked, but I've always managed to get to the bog in time.

I never mix weed with beer -- it is a guaranteed puke. One or the other, that's my motto (although I haven't smoked in years).

The wife has got a good 'un. I'll let her tell it. It was on our first year wedding anniversary. :D
JayKeeley said:
The wife has got a good 'un. I'll let her tell it. It was on our first year wedding anniversary. :D

Ah yes... we decided to celebrate our anniversary in Manhattan - got a hotel, nice dinner, bar-hopping, etc. Lots of fun, lots of drink.

I wasn't feeling very well on the way home. I got in the back of the car, lay down, and went straight to sleep...

At some point, I knew it was time to hurl so I woke up and looked up only to see that we were on a bridge crossing the Hudson River coming out of the city. There was no way he could stop on the bridge, and I didn't want to worry him, so I did the only thing I could do, quietly dump my purse out on the floor and puke right into it. (Damn, I loved that purse. :erk: )
JayKeeley said:
I never mix weed with beer -- it is a guaranteed puke. One or the other, that's my motto (although I haven't smoked in years).

I've always heard this- infact, I've often seen this... but after last night, I have come to the conclusion that I am immune to the weed/beer sickness. I have never had a hangover either...
Exactly what I've found, Maximillion :loco:

It feels cool as fuck, gets you nice and relaxed, and I always feel better the next day than if I'd only drank, so now whenever I smoke weed I usually make a point of having a few beers and maybe some port or something to wash it down.

On that note, fucking port is the shit :kickass:
Marksveld said:
I've always heard this- infact, I've often seen this... but after last night, I have come to the conclusion that I am immune to the weed/beer sickness.

It's fuckin' lovely to have a bong after 9-10 beers... great way to cap off a good night and as soon as your head hits the pillow you're down and out for good.
I went to a local, drinking establishment one night, after eating a full meal at Subway, and drank ten beers. Yeah, I puked all over one of the tables and practically had to be hauled out of the place.
I've never hucked in stupid places, usually I don't get quite that trashed in public. I've hucked in plenty of people's lawns though, haha.
circus_brimstone said:
I went to a local, drinking establishment one night, after eating a full meal at Subway, and drank ten beers. Yeah, I puked all over one of the tables and practically had to be hauled out of the place.

Reminds me of this time at the bar I drank an unknown ( 6 pitchers split evenly between 3 people = ?? + 4 shooters) quantity of beverage and then got food poisoning from the fish (i know it was food poisoning cause everyone else I lived with was sick all night too and most of the next day). But I think the alcohol helped me vent all the fish, cause I wasn't sick at all afterwards.
The important part was I managed to stick my head under the table first, so nobody but the people I was with knew.
I'm starting to remember hork stories now. It takes a LOT of booze for me to hork, and hasn't happened for very many years. Put it this way, I've consumed entire 750mL bottles of scotch in one sitting and not horked afterwards (giant hangover the next day), but used to hork several times a month while in college. Probably took several years off my life, d'oh well!

Puked out a car window on the freeway once on the way back from the bar, somehow was able to push the window down button thingy AND keep my hat on at the same time. I have very little memory of this night, but at one point I'm puking in my friends yard and he's pacing back and forth saying "we have to take him to the hospital we have to take him to the hospital we have to take him to the hospital" and I finally just yell "SHUT UP I'M FINE!!!" and then hork for the schfourteenth time.

Every few years I get this violent 8 hour flu, and this one happened shortly after drinking a Samuel Smith nut brown ale (just one). I think food poisoning caused this, but either way I actually went blind for about 20 minutes during said 8 hours, writhing on the floor in the bathroom, in the hallway, in my bedroom, knocking shit over and just wanting to die. Also was shitting my brains out the whole time, fun stuff.

Horked in my 6th grade classroom once, I said "teacher I don't feel so BLEAEREARDRDH" all over the damn place, then managed to hork one more time right before reaching the exit I was running toward. Everyone screamed EWWWW!!!!! and I can still pick out the voice of the girl I had a crush on in that class, haha.

That big write up on my friend horking out my car, then horking again on the freeway, then horking on the side of the road somehow with shit landing INSIDE my car the last time. Had to flick onion bits off the roof as he's horking, and myself and the other 2 passengers got a bit of splashback. Ugh.

Got REALLY REALLY REALLY high with 2 friends one day, so high that we started making weird sounds in sequence, and the one dude thought we were speaking in some language he didn't know, so kept yelling SPEAK ENGLISH!!! to us, very frightened. Then he started rocking back and forth, moaning, and we thought he was imitating "a monkey fucking a football fucking a monkey" as my unsick friend put it. Then BOOM he horks everywhere, we get up and run away, scared of this gross horking monster, and he continues to puke. Made a gigantic pile that was so disgusting I had to get a picture of it, and I did. :tickled:

Playing beerpong one night, my friend said "okay I'm going to inhale this joint, chug this beer, then exhale the smoke." He did, and 15 minutes later he was lying down in the driveway puking his damn guts out forever. I've seen him do this countless times, but for someone new to it, they'd probably think he was dying or summoning the Beast or something (very gutteral sounds). So my other friend is freaking out, and I say "okay okay I'll help, let me go to my car and get something" to which I decided to take a nap in. He panics again, wakes me up, so we drag the dude into the garage and hose down the driveway, after my friend says "I'm too stoned to operate a hose!" :lol:

Duhhhh oh yeah I brought this chick with big hooters to a party one day, she got wasted so it was time to bring her home. The whole ride back she said "oh good we're leaving and now we're gonna have sex and it's gonna be great you're gonna score so am I blah blah blah" and a few minutes later I'm carrying her passed out body up the stairs to her second floor apartment. Spent the next several hours making sure she could get up in time to puke and not choke on her own vomit. No, didn't score that night. :dopey:

For me, weed + beer = instant sleep

Marksveld said:
I have never had a hangover either...
I don't get bad hangovers anymore really, for starters I don't drink like I used to, but mostly because I always always always chug at least a litre of water before going to bed after a night of boozin' it up. Also most of the time if I drink more than 6 beers in an evening, I also drink a Gatorade in between.

I've had a couple of 48 hour hangovers though, not fun.

Last time I got truly wasted was in NYC, ask lurch because I called him like 4 times "dude I don't know where or who I am man whoa...." Had a terrible hangover the next day. :loco: