Stupid Question

Narg n Lamb

Jan 12, 2006
San Francisco Bay Area
Everyone who reads this is probably gonna think I'm a god damn idiot when I ask this, so excuse me in advance but...When you say someone is musically inclined, does it mean that you can tell between notes and so on and things of that nature?
Ok, flame away for my stupidity
Well, I would first assume what you meant to say was that you know how to compose music, but don't know the terminology. But seeing as you say you don't know the difference between are either tone deaf, or only understand relative pitch.

If you can compose, and understand where dynamics, juxtapositions, contrast, and everything else comes into play, then I would have to ask you your question a little?
To say someone is musically inclined is the same as say, mechanically inclined; it means that they have a tendency towards music, that it is natural to them. It mainly refers to natural skill rather than acquired.

Telling the difference between notes (at least at ear level) is quite essential though I can assure you.
Depends on who used the phrase and in what context. Two examples:

If a music teacher says it, it probably means you are able to pick things up quicker than the average student. You're a "natural".

If any other teacher or your parents say it, it probably means you're shit at everything except listening to music and being able to rattle off useless information about your favorite bands.
Alright, i have a good idea of what it is now. I don't just listen to music, I can play the guitar and I can really sit down and understand music as a whole. My mom has a degree in music theory so I can boost my note reading skills.