Such thing as an alternative to the dual recto?


Jan 8, 2008
Kent, UK
Mesa shit is stupid, crazy expencive here, which is why i ask...

Is there anything other than the mesa dual recto (or anything else mesa) that gets a sound similar to the dual recto?
I am investigating a very similar topic right now. I sold my Laney VH100R and was planning to get a VHT Sig: X. But I'm now reading about some reliability issues, so now I'm keeping an open mind.

It really depends on what you want to pay. But basically, from what I can see:

Blackstar Series 1 100watt - 2 channels
Blackstar Series 1 200watt - 4 channels
ENGL Powerball II

or... Laney VH100R ;)

My budget is about £1600, and I'm honestly struggling to find an amp that even has the features I'm looking for. The amp sector is really fucked at the moment if you ask me. Everyone is chasing high-volume sales, so they keep churning out these bullshit 5-20watt amps which are pretty fucking worthless as far as metal and heavy music goes. They're fine if you just want to wail out some scales in your bedroom or play AC/DC and Sabbath rip-offs in your local pub.
Well this is a personal hobby at the moment and I am without a job, but I'm not adverse to jumping at a deal, hell i got a schecter hellraiser avenger for £399 on a whim ten mins after seeing it (The best deal ive ever found), when i went out looking for a few straps and picks.

The only thing I heard sounded like rec was a peavey XXX (In terms of distortion and how the lowend behaves). I did have engl slightly in mind but, does some blackstar stuff really sound similar? I always thought that was more rock.

And hell, if i could spend £1600 on just an amp (I'm yet to get a seperate cab, but i have to for my orange TT) I'd just get a dual rec for a dual rec sound.
I'd say the Blackstar Series 1 stuff can do a really good metal tone in the same vein as a Mesa. How much you looking at spending?

You can get Dual Rec's second hand for £1000 if you look around.
All ive seen is 1150 - 1300 which is alot for me when you consider the cost of a 2x12 or 4x12 benton with v30's included.

I'd have to say, I'd quite like to get hold of that sound, but ive never even had 1500 in my life, let alone spend it on shit i can only use when the family isnt around.

A 5- 20 watt tube clone of the mesa recto sound would be my first choice, I'm sure people have caught on to the need though, so it's only a matter of time.

Fuck it seems being American is the way to be when your looking for amps. Spent years looking at kranks, but are they for us?, like fuck are they!
Well yeah man... imho, Americans do high-gain much better than Brits. I mean look at Marshall.... everything since the JCM800 and JCM900 sucks balls.

Don't really know what to recommend mate. If I knew of something that was say £500 that did the Mesa thing, I'd be buying it!
Well yeah man... imho, Americans do high-gain much better than Brits. I mean look at Marshall.... everything since the JCM800 and JCM900 sucks balls.

Don't really know what to recommend mate. If I knew of something that was say £500 that did the Mesa thing, I'd be buying it!

That's ok man, i thought this was the case. I just thought i'd play this to you guys first before giving up, since you all know alot more than me. There is some mesa i've been looking at thats not stupid expencive, the mesa studio preamp caught my attention. I may just go with a 6505 1x12 combo for something metal.

P.s, a shop i know near me has a jcm900 with a 1960A cab for 700-750. Good deal?

Have a nice christmas btw :)
Run LECTO out of your interface into any amp's power section, and mic it up. It should sound pretty close.

Your other option is use LECTO with impulses. It sounds fantastic.

A Dual Rec sounds like a Dual Rec unfortunately. That's what it comes down to.
I know at least one manufacturer still makes Recto clones in Brazil (Lifesound Amplifiers)and not sure if they still make them, but Fame amplification made amps, solid states being made in Russia, the tube amps in Poland and they had Recto clones. Google wont really bring up an search results for a Fame Amps website though.

I understand how you feel about the 5150/6505 prices too. Really, only in the US (possibly Canada) are they actually cheap and you'll get American guys recommending it to Aussies/Brits etc and a lot of the time they either forget or don't understand they really aren't cheap at all here.
If you must get that Recto sound, Greg's option seems the best I'd say.

Fame bulldozer, that's the Fame amp you meant Harry ;)
It is said that it is almost the same as an old 2 channel recto, I have no idea if this
is true, never had the opportunity to try one.
The old Fame amps were build by Laboga and this one is build by Yearsov afaik.
You should find something about them on the net, you could order it at musicstore
in cologne, all in all it should be something like 900 pounds, shipping included.