suffocation and the history channel

The only thing that isn't cool about the history channel is the fact that most of their commercials are for life insurance or dentures.... or prostate cancer.

Assuming that all of the viewers are 70 years old!
pretty good, although I don't like their ridiculous statement that Death Metal is directly influenced by some sort of "Maurading Degenrates" from the "Dark Ages"... complete bullshit, even Classical music has it's roots in Medeival Times, maybe they should do a special about that. Also they are making this statement to people who know next to nothing about death metal which will even further add to the confusion.
pretty good, although I don't like their ridiculous statement that Death Metal is directly influenced by some sort of "Maurading Degenrates" from the "Dark Ages"... complete bullshit, even Classical music has it's roots in Medeival Times, maybe they should do a special about that. Also they are making this statement to people who know next to nothing about death metal which will even further add to the confusion.

...shut up.
pretty good, although I don't like their ridiculous statement that Death Metal is directly influenced by some sort of "Maurading Degenrates" from the "Dark Ages"... complete bullshit, even Classical music has it's roots in Medeival Times, maybe they should do a special about that. Also they are making this statement to people who know next to nothing about death metal which will even further add to the confusion.

well, they do have a point though. it was a very violent time and christianity barely existed. 2 things that extreme metal do focus on in there lyrics. hell, think of all the bands that get their lyrics/themes/image from that period in time.
well, they do have a point though. it was a very violent time and christianity barely existed. 2 things that extreme metal do focus on in there lyrics. hell, think of all the bands that get their lyrics/themes/image from that period in time.
It was funny when the old man said that though.
what the fuck are you guys talking about??

it's going to be a report on the dark ages... they're not going to discuss metal at all

they just used suffo/death metal to create an interesting and effective commercial
Notice the eye-rolling smiley at the end of metal_wrath's post.