suffocation and the history channel

actually, heres a way to tie the vikigns to the nazis. the flyfot, a popular symbol in the viking era is essentially the swastika.


"Fylfot" for Good Luck is a variation of the swastika, which was a good luck charm in many cultures, all over the world, long before the Nazis perverted it into a symbol of fascism. In the form above, it's called a "fire twirl". Sometimes these are shown with three legs (a triskel) or even more than four legs, such as a "sun wheel" or "sun disk". None of the swastika variants shown on this page are Nazi swastikas. It's time to reclaim the swastika as a benevelent symbol.

and now for somthing completely different
actually, heres a way to tie the vikigns to the nazis. the flyfot, a popular symbol in the viking era is essentially the swastika.



and now for somthing completely different

Hell, just by doing that you could tie the chinese, hindu's, and buddhists to Nazism too.
Pardon me? What's Airheads?

its a movie about an 80s rock/metal band whose trying to make it big by holding up a radio station. at the end there is a crowd outside the studio and its revealed that the main character is a nerd, and then everyone admits theyre nerds too
Fitting audio, but it always bugs me to see bands I love "chuggin' on satan's cock", as Bill Hicks so succinctly put it.
its a movie about an 80s rock/metal band whose trying to make it big by holding up a radio station. at the end there is a crowd outside the studio and its revealed that the main character is a nerd, and then everyone admits theyre nerds too

It's funny they play gay rock/hair metal and have obituary,sepultura,etc... stickers in their van.

I was expecting some DEATH THRASHERS!