Suffocation - Blood Oath


Sep 12, 2007
Just giving this the second spin. It hasn't totally grown on me yet, but there's nothing about it I really don't like. Very tight, and sick drumming from Mike as always.

What do you guys think?
sounds like suffocation! so sick when they played the title track live... probably the heaviest thing i have ever witnessed!
I bought that record in August, right before the Summerbreeze festival where they played... so got a few listens before being crushed by the new songs live. Damn great band live, and once again a very solid record, they just never disappoint. I like how they mixed the bass very audible, I like the production a bit better than on their last one.
It's my second favorite after Pierced. I really, really like Blood Oath, and the production sounds absolutely thick. Great album IMO.
I dig it, brutal as! We are playing with these guys at the end of the month, should be killer. Admittedly its a fest-format show, but im still gonna say we are playing support for suffocation :p
Just noticed this was Mastered by John Scrip of Massive Mastering. That's sick, John's a great, very helpful guy.
got it two days ago. The production is better than on any other albums no doubt. Still getting into it. Funny, how they got a bunch of solos, but some pieces sound like they took them from old songs. Also, guitars play different things on the right and left channels more often. And waltz beats are all over as usual.
i's too clean sounding for my taste, at least when it comes to suffocation. their previous, self titled one was a real kickass record though. weird guitar sound, but just fits the music like a glove. but i'm not a fan of the new one....great drumming esp. but the drum sound just doesn't fit his style at all.
musically it's also a letdown imho....title track is boring as fuck, imho of course.