The Derminator
Yeah it was a great show
I almost crashed my friend's car on the way like a mile from the venue lol....I was trying to switch lanes and I turn to look over my shoulder then I turn around and look forward and the car is stopped. I came REALLY close to hitting him. My friend was screaming at me. lol
Anyways, Daath were pretty good.
I was mainly excited for Rotten Sound but they weren't as energetic as I thought they would be but still pretty good. I still bought a shirt.
Aborted was awesome
1349......meh. Never been a big fan. Some parts were cool
I have never been a fan of Suffocation but they were pretty good live last night. I enjoyed em.
Carcass......Holy shit. I mainly liked the Heartwork and Symphonies of Sickness albums and couldn't get into their other stuff no matter how hard I tried but last night they blew me away. Definitely the best band of the night. The crowd was going insane.
If any of you guys saw a little scrawny kid with a Wintersun shirt, that was me.
I almost crashed my friend's car on the way like a mile from the venue lol....I was trying to switch lanes and I turn to look over my shoulder then I turn around and look forward and the car is stopped. I came REALLY close to hitting him. My friend was screaming at me. lol
Anyways, Daath were pretty good.
I was mainly excited for Rotten Sound but they weren't as energetic as I thought they would be but still pretty good. I still bought a shirt.
Aborted was awesome
1349......meh. Never been a big fan. Some parts were cool
I have never been a fan of Suffocation but they were pretty good live last night. I enjoyed em.
Carcass......Holy shit. I mainly liked the Heartwork and Symphonies of Sickness albums and couldn't get into their other stuff no matter how hard I tried but last night they blew me away. Definitely the best band of the night. The crowd was going insane.
If any of you guys saw a little scrawny kid with a Wintersun shirt, that was me.