Carcass "Exhume to Consume" 2008 U.S. Tour

Apr 10, 2006
Pawtucket, RI
I know this might be a little out-of-place on the board, but I know there's got to be some fans out there.

Sep 5 2008 8:00P
Palladium - Worcester (USA) Worcester, Massachusetts
Sep 6 2008 8:00P
Nokia Theatre, New York City (USA) New York City
Sep 7 2008 8:00P
Medley (Canada) Montreal QC
Sep 8 2008 8:00P
Opera House (Canada) Toronto, ON
Sep 11 2008 8:00P
Sonar - Baltimore (USA) Baltimore, Maryland

The Palladium's website is advertising Carcass, Necrophagist, Suffocation, Dying Fetus, Aborted, 1349, Beneath The Massacre, Veil Of Maya and Rotten Sound.

Carcass' myspace has a poster that advertises "CARCASS, NECROPHAGIST, ABORTED, AND 3 SPECIAL GUESTS" for the NYC show.
Necrophagist and 1349 do it for me. Never really dug into Carcass' catalogue, only really got into heartwork, but not even that album that much. I wish they were coming to Texas.
The Palladium's website is advertising Carcass, Necrophagist, Suffocation, Dying Fetus, Aborted, 1349, Beneath The Massacre, Veil Of Maya and Rotten Sound.

If all of these bands are there, then that's a pretty looong but solid set of bands...except for the ones I've bolded. How do these crappy, generic deathcore bands end up at every fucking extreme metal show nationwide? I wish that trend would end immediately.

Also, I'd like to thank At the Gates and Carcass, two of the most legendary death metal bands of all time, for getting back together and forgetting that the United States has more than just 5 places to play a show. FUCK.:cry:
Beneath the Massacre is cool.

From what I've read that really long show is actually two shows that will be in the same city being condensed into one show -- Necrophagist/Dying Fetus/Beneath the Massacre/Veil of Maya is a separate tour.
Beneath the Massacre is cool.

From what I've read that really long show is actually two shows that will be in the same city being condensed into one show -- Necrophagist/Dying Fetus/Beneath the Massacre/Veil of Maya is a separate tour.

Yeah beneath the massacre is not deathcore they're freakin great......Veil of Maya does suck though

I know this is so confusing. 1 tour or 2?

I wish they would just release the damn info already they're confusing a lot of people with this. :rolleyes:
Beneath the Massacre sound too much like Ion Dissonance and Despised Icon to me, and I don't really care for them, sorry.

However, the bigger issue is I WANT TO SEE CARCASS. It's not fair, dammit. *more whining*
Wow if 1349 and Necro are playing I would consider going. Hopefully its not like Vaders tour last year and unorganized as fuck with to many bands playing and ruins everyone set times