suggestions about what to do with this mix?


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage

i recorded this for my old band a few months back, but i'm not really happy with the mix here. now i know of a few obvious problems, like too little definition in the bass guitar and too much compression on the drums and/or master bus, but i'd like to hear some opinions here on what i can do. this was recorded a good while ago so there's no chance to re-record anything, but i can remix and remaster freely.

now one problem is that the guitar amp wasn't ideal; we were tracking both lead & rhythm guitars through a PEAVEY CLASSIC 50 head + its standard 4x12 cab (57'd), which isn't really a hi-gain head which i obviously would have wanted, but yeah, that's how it is. didn't have time to dub the rhythm guitars either, so it's one track L and one track R.

well, suggestions about how to liven up the guitars and drums and anything else you feel sounds off would be great and muchly appreciated! i'm aware this is not a great mix, give me a break, this is one of the first times i do this stuff ;)
yeah what to do with the kick more specifically? i mean i've been pulling some click out of it and compressed it as well as i could at the moment, but i don't know if the miced sound was actually all that great to begin with. have been considering replacing/mixing it with a sample, like mr. sneap's ;)
I like this man, sounds like old sepultura to me, the drums don't sound that bad, will sound good with some eq'ing, and guitars are not bad to say it was a peavey classic 50.
I would say try improve the kick and the snare by using good samples (maybe Andy's) in addition, not only replacing. If you use it for the snare colour up the sample with the original snare sound. That makes the snare more credible.
Next try to fatten up the guits.
And have a look for the pops and crackles in the beginning.
What the, I think the drum samples sound fucking awesome. It's just a matter of eq'ing and messin around with compression a bit more to make them maybe stand out a bit. I think this actually sounds really good. Besides lacking some colour and brightness the snare is cool. :o