Suggestions for an XXL


New Metal Member
Jan 20, 2005
Hey guys. I play guitar in this band

I can not get a good sound out of my Peavey XXL. It buzzes and hums like there is no tomorrow. I try to turn the gain down but i cant keep up with our lead guitarists Mesa Boogie Double Rectifier. I really dont know about the settings on it and what to set them to.


I have no idea what to use, Ultra or Lead. And also, what setting to use after that. Ultra, Modern Crunch. etc...

I was considering buying but i am on a tight budget. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Again the type of sound im looking for is something along the lines of
Every Time I Die, Between the Buried and Me, Dillinger Escape Plan.

The mp3 like you can stream one of our songs from purevolume.

Thanks so much in advance.
I had one back in '02 and I can't remember what channel I used more. I remember when I had the XXX I love the crunch channel, which means for the XXL I must have used the Ultra channel on Modern or Crunch (odd way to remember I know) Anywho, I'm was guilty of pumping the bass and high to max and putting the mids to about half or a smig less. Now, if your going for the Dillinger Escape Plan tone, use less gain (I can't remember how sensative the gain was on the XXL, but my guess is put the gain to about half or a tad bit more, give or take). If you listen to those guys (they use Triple Recs.) their distorted tone is pretty damn clean and dry. For Between The Buried And Me their gained out a bit (they use rack mount Dual Recs. I think). The For Everytime I Die, they use less gain as well (they use Marshalls I believe, could be wrong though). Now, as far as volume concerns with keeping up with the second guitarist, I'd invest in a rack EQ. Their a godsend to solid state amps when you want to turn them up. ALso what cab are you using? :rock:
Hey man im using a Marshall 4x10 cab. I really would like some more feedback on this.

How much are Rack EQs? And whicih would you suggest?
I don't have any preffered brand, although if you are going to only be using the EQ with a mono 31-band would give you more than enough control over your sound to get it the way you want.

Behringer are cheap, Alto and Alesis are also good.