Suicidal Black Metal

Tearstained's 3 albums are all about suicide ?!#4!

I'm assuming this suicidal branding is in regards to a bands lyrical content eh? Or is there some new super duper "suicidal" sound I should know about?

Tearstained's 3 albums are all about suicide ?!#4!

I'm assuming this suicidal branding is in regards to a bands lyrical content eh? Or is there some new super duper "suicidal" sound I should know about?

Homicidal Tendencies isn't, but the first three (Monumental in its Sorrow, There is no Hope and Final Thoughts) are.

And well, I'd say it's 50/50 sound/lyrics
these mortifera discs are quite depressing. good stuff.

and no erik, the wife is still here.

J, what do you think of the scream in 'Aux Confins des Tenebrss'? quite insane :eek:

From what distro were you able to get the EP? (i assume because you said disc's)