sunday's show, in pictures

A couple of pics taken on the phone in the heat of the show...

Your pics look very good Eran. Did you get very close to get some cool results?

I wish.....
the Barbie club was so crowded.....I had to see most of the gig from the balcony. even there I had to stand on my fingers, trying to have one picture here and there between the very tall people standing in front of me....

It's hard to shoot pictures when so crowded, but the atmosphere is amazing!
Hi Ewan, I like your pics too...
They do the band a real favor, particulary the lonely microphone with the keffiah... I think KoB will understand.
So the Barbi was crowded ? I went there once ; the question is : could it not be ?
A concert from OL IN Israel IN Barbi is something to live at least once, and I intend to attend it again asap :headbang:
Cheers !