Sunn 0)))


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
So I'm listening to there myspace and I'm wondering, how do people like this stuff? I mean, I can't find anything about it interesting. I mean, it has absolutely no melody, no rhythm. Nothing. Can you tell me how do you guys listen to this stuff?
There are definitely melodies in their music, though they're extremely slow. It's not something you put on when you want to rock out and headbang. If that's what you're looking for, listen to Manilla Road.
Ok, so in the song Orthodox Caveman, I'm starting to hear a bit of melody. Not as bad as their first myspace song.
Love them alot, but this isn't music I play just whenever. Need to be in a specific mood I guess (and listening to them in the daylight doesn't work either) Black one is probably their most accessible record, although I use that term very lightly. VERY
I'm kind of a guitar drone purist, though. Similar to with noise...if you have beats or are not pure harsh noise, you can go the fuck away. :p
Alright...what's either the darkest thing or most experimental thing they have, bar none? I haven't been able to get into them thus far and I'm about to toss them up on the overrated heap. Not anywhere near something like Nevermore but there nonetheless. I love most of what Earth has put out and they wouldn't exist if it wasn't for that band so I figure something good must have rubbed off somewhere. So what would the recommendations be?
Black One is their darkest and most experimental album, bar none. Oh, and you're supposed to play it pretty loud, so make sure that you do.
Meh, Sunno O))) is too slow and featureless for me. Cool if you're in the mood for some serious ear damage, though.
Drone just isn't my thing in general. Gimme riffs, gimme some meat! Or at least a good sense of rhythm.
OCI: You like Earth 2 right? I have it on double vinyl, and I would say that the earlier Sunn works are most similar, in terms of "pure drone."