Sunn 0)))

It's funny you say that because indie is such an eclectic genre with a fucking shit-load of interesting scenes and sub-genres that expand past the Pitchfork bands.
But for most of the kids it's all about a certain scene within that. You have the kids who listen to GYBE and expand into punk with Sonic Youth or whatever, and that's the limit of it, then you have the ones who are all about stuff like Arcade Fire....while all of this music may be somewhat eclectic in itself, they won't ever reach outside and get into Gamma Ray for example. A lot of metal fans on the other hand do things like that all the time, and from my own viewing experience I've seen more sunn people who are metal fans that also dig some indie stuff, as opposed to indie fans who get into metal or darker stuff.
Of course, a lot of drone/doom fans are closed in too, and think anything that isn't drone/doom/blackened is teh geigh....... but doom and black is still at least a wider spectrum of music and bands than most indie fans engage in listening to.
Actually that argument has a great amount of substance and you are right to a certain point but you can also see how kids in metal do not expand either. They listen to In Flames and Dimmu but never get to Darkthrone, Mayhem, Burzum or let alone fucking Venom.

Some indie fans, like myself, do expand past bands like Arcade Fire(who fucking rules) with bands like Mt. Zion and G!YBE and other stuff within the scenes there and that they listen to.
oh, definitely. Just like I said in that very last post. Tons of metal fans are closed into their one thing too, I just disagree as a whole with the idea that sunno000o0o gets primarily the indie people, for lots of reasons.

Insofar as me and indie I typically try to find stuff which sort of stretches out musically, where one could almost say it's Explosions in the Sky, or Stars of the Lid, those bands are kind of like that. I'm just always looking for things like that where they may be found, which stretch out and make it work. At the same time, I speed in the car with the windows open playing Running Wild at full volume. :rock:
I guess, but the people who show up to a show don't really indicate the style of music the band plays. Just shows how popular they got (unfortunate as it may be to people like us :p).
I only listen to them while reading/in bed and when I do I normally think of Nadja/The Angelic Process and wonder why I'm not listening to them instead.
So I'm listening to there myspace and I'm wondering, how do people like this stuff? I mean, I can't find anything about it interesting. I mean, it has absolutely no melody, no rhythm. Nothing. Can you tell me how do you guys listen to this stuff?

just sit back and take it in

This is such a strange group..

youre an idiot


I have their "Black One" album, can't stand it.

Too fucking slow and boring. :Puke:
its music for smart people

I can make the same music by running over a cat and throwing pots and pans down a flight of stairs. :)
do this instead, kill yourself and record it. oh, and add some feedback.

Not buying that really, at least not for an immediate classification. May as well call Possessed a punk hybrid if you want to rid the world of specialization :p
I agree that they sound only vaguely metal, but they also make it painfully obvious that they're metalheads at heart. Even if they hadn't stated so in interviews, when considering their other musical projects, the label they run, the bands they've toured with and many of their guest musicians, they've always had at least one foot so firmly planted in the metal scene that it would be ludicrous not to try marketing themselves toward that demographic.

Honestly, I haven't really seen much evidence that they get many fans outside of metal who are big on the ambient/noise/drone scenes that they would fit into well. Not that I've been looking though. What I do see is a fanbase consisting of a particular brand of hipsters mostly into SL or SL-related acts---Boris, Wolves in the Throne Room, Nachtmystium, any bedroom black metal act from the Bay Area.
Indie is not a fucking sound though, and there is no fucking alt. rock component within their sound or any other Southern Lord bands, save for maybe Boris.
I have touched, is that one better?

The Angelic Process is a band, one of my favourites eveeeeer. As far as Nadja go I like all the releases really, I normally put them all in the same playlist on shuffle, but I think the sound has moved more towards standard drone/metal kinda stuff than Touched which is more shoegazey.
I don't often believe in lashing out here, given that I'm a mod and shit...I'll do it now and then as many people will be quick to point out but whatever, Falco's allowed to be a weirdo.