sup ladies


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
Hey all, I got a new computer in May and was too lazy to log back on UM until now, so I was away for a while. Did I miss anything?

I lurked a bit before coming back, and I noticed 3 things:

1. Psycroptixx is still oh so hot
2. Victim of the night is very hot as well
3. Varg seems to be a pretty nice guy?
Specs of the new computer, tard. You know better than to taunt us so with your fancy hardware without telling us what makes it tick!
Specs of the new computer, tard. You know better than to taunt us so with your fancy hardware without telling us what makes it tick!

dah, here goes:

Antec black box
24" Samsung screen
Intel E8500 3.17 ghz dual-core
Nvidia 8800 GTS 512 meg
500 gig harddrive
3 gig of ram. I think it's Corsair.... can't remember

That's about it. Works like a charm, and the 500 gig of memory makes a big difference vs my 80 gig laptop. I'll get a laser printer when school starts.
E8500? Shit, you beat me, I've got the 84.

We're pound for pound elsewhere, but I have 6 gb of ram on a 64 bit system. (Yeah, 6 instead of 3 or 4 IS noticable on x64 when you drain resources.)
yeah, I thought of going with shitloads of ram and vista 64 bit, but the guy told me the 64 bit version had many compatibities problems so I decided to stay with the 32....

Does it run smoothly with you?
Yup. Well, it's fucking up on my laptop, but that's because the HDD is falling apart. Never buy a Samsung Spinpoint. New drive arrives Tuesday.

It runs SMOOTHLY on the pc. I found all my drivers BEFORE switching.
Seti algorythms, gaming, and the finest sound system I care to pay for. I like my pc to be so fast it ANTICIPATES what I'm going to open. And I don't mean Superfetch.