sup ladies

Seti algorythms, gaming, and the finest sound system I care to pay for. I like my pc to be so fast it ANTICIPATES what I'm going to open. And I don't mean Superfetch.


I run BOINC Manager as well. Have you done any LHCA workloads?

What OS are you running anyway? I was thinking about going to Linux (haven't decided on a distro yet) and just running a VM for when I am coding (or need to use any other Windows apps), since Linux doesn't have the .Net Framework.
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 7k. It doesn't get to run often in the summer due to the heat.
Hey all, I got a new computer in May and was too lazy to log back on UM until now, so I was away for a while. Did I miss anything?

I lurked a bit before coming back, and I noticed 3 things:

1. Psycroptixx is still oh so hot
2. Victim of the night is very hot as well
3. Varg seems to be a pretty nice guy?

HI!!!!!!! :wave:
Hey all, I got a new computer in May and was too lazy to log back on UM until now, so I was away for a while. Did I miss anything?

I lurked a bit before coming back, and I noticed 3 things:

1. Psycroptixx is still oh so hot
2. Victim of the night is very hot as well
3. Varg seems to be a pretty nice guy?

Do you post in the philosopher's forum? I recognized your avatar from somewhere, and I was also under the impression that you were female.
Do you post in the philosopher's forum? I recognized your avatar from somewhere, and I was also under the impression that you were female.

well I did post there before.... but that was like 2 years ago. I doubt the threads I posted in are still on the front page.

If it moves, we can smoke it.