Super Bowl XLI

I hate saying things like this (Especially since a couple fags said this once before on another post) But in my opinion....I don't believe The Colts won that game as much as Rex Grossman lost it!! I can't put it on the entire Bears team because everyone else played pretty well/great!! 2 fourth quater ints one brought back to the house that was thrown so short that Muhammad couldn't even make a play on the guy after the pick.. Grossman showed in the Super Bowl what I think people who know football have known all year...The guy is horrible!! Consistently horrible!! which is about as bad as you can get!

Congratulations to Tony Dungy!! No matter how it played out he was the winning coach and he truly deserves it!!

Not that Lovie didn't...But I think Lovie and The Bears will play in another SB sooner than The Colts will... They're only a QB away from getting back to the big game and in my opinion were only a QB away from making this game far more interesting than it was!! They'd be crazy not to look at free agent QB's this off season (Jeff Garcia would fit like a glove in The Bears run first offense!!) and there are other guys who will be hitting the market this spring.

Thomas Jones, Urlacher, Muhammad, Berrian, etc... All played a great game!! And shouldn't have lost on the incompetence of their QB!!!! But that being said..... I believe a new QB and not too many off season changes (I.E. personnel) And the NFC is weak enough for them to be playing in the Super Bowl next year!!

Congratulations Colts:kickass:

I usually agree with you but, I can't on this one. Rex is not the worst QB to play in the super bowl. (See Trent Dilfer). Rex did not lose that game for the Bears. The defense and the offensive coordinator lost it for the Bears. The Bears left their base package in there most of the game. How often did you see the nickel out there? The Colts ran it down the Bears throats.
On offense, why are they calling a pass on 2nd and 1? Rex gets sacked and they are sitting on 3rd and 12.
Rex didn't lose the game for them. He also didn't do anything to win the game for them.
You seem reluctant to give the Colts any credit whatsoever. While I don't think Manning should have gotten the MVP. That is about the only thing that I can come up with as negative about the Colts.
An arguement can be made for every Super Bowl, saying that one team didn't win. The other gave it to them.
For example...
You could say John Fox gave NE the super bowl with poor playcalling. He should have kicked the extra point and not gone for 2.
You could say that Jim Kelly gave the win to the Giants by calling so many pass plays. NY was playing a nickel. Thomas was running all over them and Kelly keeps calling his own #.
You could say that Donovan McNabb's late game interception gave NE the game.

You could say any of the above but, it wouldn't be true. The other teams took it. Plain and simple.
The Colts are a worthy champ and I am happy for them. I just wish I didn't have to hear about all this "first black to do this, and that" crap. Dungy and Lovie made it because they are good, not because they are black.
I mostly agree with you, T_man... but the Colts did have the number of the Bears defense most of the game, so hats off to them in that regard.

Rex needs to go bye-bye. Someone wanna call up Tony Soprano to have him take Rex for a little drive in the country?

I won a bet with the Colts, got a seymour duncan screamin' demon pickup for one of my strats :)
Finally got round to watching the Superbowl today. I taped it on Suunday, went to bed after the first play, and thought I'd wake up to find that the Bears had gone on a rampage. I started supporting the Bears in 1986 when American Football first aired in the UK. I was gobsmacked at the final result, and how badly Grossman played. The Colts didn't win it, the Bears threw it away. Gutted.
How is the sceeamin' demon? I have an invader in one of my Strats and was thinking about dumping it.

The bet was a jb jr seymour duncan vs a single coil humbucker version of the screaming demon, it sound way louder that a stock strat pickup, the leads scream awesome, but the riffs sound with like the mids cranked up, great for hard rock stuff, not enough bite for metal, i have 4 strat in my collection and 2 of them have humbuckers on the bridge position, the best sounding one is my iron maiden strat i installed a SH-5 seymour duncan it sounds huge, that is the pickup that my Michael Schenker custom shop V has.