Superbowl Winner


Active Member
Jul 31, 2002
I don't really like football (American) up until the playoffs, and even then, I just like the beer that comes with watching the games at my friend's house. So anyway, back to the point. Who do you think is going to win the superbowl?

I'm leaning towards two teams. either the Jets or the 49'ers. I can't decide.
I have no clue this year, what with the way the whole season has gone. Everyone that's left I would say are in strong positions, though possibly the Steelers are vulnerable, given the amount of points the Browns put on them with a backup QB. And Tampa need to get their offence back or they'll go nowhere, can't see them doing a 'Ravens';)

I'd quite like the Titans to win it. Part of me would like to see the Jets do it, so the title stays in the AFC east, but being a Patriots fan, I don't really want to back the Jets :D
@ydg: you seem to know pretty much about football, you coach potato :p and you're a Patriot's fan, you lame coach potato :p :p

Though I like the Steelers to win *waves yellow handkerchief* I think it'll be the raiders or the jets.
:p :p :p @ Thanatos

Patriots rule, damn it :mad: (Except this year when they didn't make the playoffs...... :bah: ).

I only get to watch 2 games a week, because that's all that gets shown in NZ, but that's good, if any more got broadcast then I really would be a couch potatoe
riiiight!! the patriots have always been a lame team, they won the superbowl last year because of the Sept 11 events :p
One word..


I absolutely hate that my work schedule has kept me from even staying adequately up to date over the football season...however, The Falcons are in there, motherfucker!! :D We trounced Green Bay, now its on to the Eagles, I believe...while I don't really think its realistic, I support my now hometown - Atlanta must crush D:< ...but only because Louisville or Kentucky don't have an NFL team ;) its UofL all the way, and if they'r eout of it, then UK!
I would just like to state, reasonably quietly so that hardly anyone hears me, that the Redskins r00l. :s

But I reckon Oakland will kick buttock.

On television over here, there's one or sometimes two games shown on a Sunday evening/night. The Monday night game is sometimes shown, but it's at a stupid time like 3am in the morning so I don't ever watch that. :(
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
Everyone that's left I would say are in strong positions, though possibly the Steelers are vulnerable
Hmmm, I think the NFL should employ me as an analyst because quite clearly, after today's game, which the Steelers lost, I know what I'm talking about ;)
I honestly don't like watching NFL too much, I like to watch college and high school football better, but since my Bucks have just won the National Championship, I'll start watching the pros until the Super Bowl. Although I haven't seen much during the beginning of the season, I think the Raiders have a good shot to win it.
I can't decide whether I want the Raiders or Tampa Bay to win it. As long as Philadelphia don't, I'll be happy.