SuperGroup Finale

DeathsHead said:
I think Nuge came off as a wanker during the series

i didnt know much about nuge until the series,althoguh from what i had heard about he seemed like a dick,how wrong i was,i doubt i will look up his music but hes a cool funny guy
TripJ. said:
Does anyone else think Ted was being a dick when he acted like he had no intrest in playing "PUNIsHMENT" by Biohazard?

I don't think so (IMO). Ted rocks, but like I said before I don't think the heavy stuff is his thing. Can you think of any old school guy who would be into it?
Again, props, because in the end he did it, liked it, and admitted he was wrong.
MyHatred said:
Well, it can't be much worse than Evan saying "Free For All" is old guy rock.
Good point. Why should Ted Nugent be excited about Even Seinfeld's music when Even's trash talking Ted's music?
i didnt catch it, but you mean they didnt play the WHOLE song? that doesnt make a lot of sense, i mean that's what this whole fuckin thing was ABOUT,right? still would like to catch what i can of it tohgh, gotta keep an eye out.