Superior 2.0 + Revalver MKIII Test.

Sounds great but :

-there is something i don't like in the snare but i can't explain

-bass sound is cool but there's a bit too much "picking noise" IMO ... I don't dislike picking noise for bass but in this mix it's a bit too upfront or something.
Sounds really good to me , especially the OH´s and the HH.

please settings of the bass!!!!!!!
Thanks!! ;)

I agree, there's something wrong with the snare i also can't find ouy what is it.

Bass guitar was done with EastWest Hardcore Bass i ran thru some EQ and comp, and then sidechain to an EQ with a hipass in 400hz into TS Secret, Wagner Sharp MKII, and Perfect Space with an ampeg svt 8x10 cab impulse. Then some post EQ and multiband compression. I'll try to reduce some of the picking noise, it's a good idea ;)

Thanks for the advice!
Hey man, which pickups were used in the guitar? Which guitar by the way? Great sounds. did you process the raw sound very much?

I ask, because I can get similar sounds in Revalver, but they still have that digital edge to them. Miles better than my PodXT, but still noticeable. Yours sounds very natural to me.

Sorry, you asked that before and i forgot to answer ;)

I use a crappy Ibanez SA 160QM with a EMG 81 in bridge and 2 SA's in middle and neck.
After the revalver I place an EQ with a lowpass in 12-13KHz and a hipass on 80Hz, so I get rid of most of the demo noise, in a mix with 4 guitars it's almost unnoticeable, so it's fairly useful for home pruposal :D
Sorry, you asked that before and i forgot to answer ;)

I use a crappy Ibanez SA 160QM with a EMG 81 in bridge and 2 SA's in middle and neck.
After the revalver I place an EQ with a lowpass in 12-13KHz and a hipass on 80Hz, so I get rid of most of the demo noise, in a mix with 4 guitars it's almost unnoticeable, so it's fairly useful for home pruposal :D

Cool, thanks for the reply. I have been messing with EQ and have some better sounds now.

It's funny, when it comes to real amps I prefer the regular 5150/6505, but in Revalver I like the 6505+ the best lol.
