Superior 2.0 tryout on full song

I think it definitely works for your sound. Without going back, it sounds a lot like I recall the drums sounding on your older mixes. There's something odd to me about the cymbals though. They're just too isolated sounding, as if the crispness doesn't fill the entire stereo image. I don't know whether that's something that can be altered, as all the Superior 2 mixes I've heard so far have had that quality to them.
thanks for the answer dude... well the kick is the same as on my older mixes and since it's the loudest part of the drums the mixes pretty much sound alike :)

My first impression of the cymbals was the same as yours, the cymbals have a strange sound. I will look more into it in the next day, I only have had one day to tweak it.
Sounds nice.

A bit too much room sound for the snare maybe ? (not a huge fan of this kind of snare anyway)

Great guitar sound. Is that your ENGL ?

I'd use a different snare, more crackier/higher tuned, like the one we can hear on the live video you posted a fex months ago. Just a matter of taste but i think a less "vintage" sounding snare would work better.

Your vocalist has a badass growl.
Thanks for the comments, I'll check if I can post the kick sample on here. It's a mixture between one of my friends own drumsamples together with one of the first old DFH samples.

I'll post the superior preset when I get home, basically it's the full set with the Nir Z snare.

And yes the guitar is my ENGL 570 preamp through my savage loop.
Is the cymbal thing a common concern? Has it been raised on Toontrack's forums (if they have any)? It seems to be something that greatly lets down an otherwise fantastic drum sample pack, from what I can see. The ironic thing is, I felt the one thing that the original DFHS really got right was the cymbals.
Sounds pretty damn incredible here! There is some crazy sibilance coming through on the vocals though. Other than that it sounds ace.
men i love it! sound so much better than real drums haha

going to buy this shit!

love the song and your band so much! remind me machine head

what mic for vocals and what amp for gtrs?

everything sounds killer!
I'm loving that snare, dude! I don't think I'm digging the kick a whole lot, to be honest! I don't feel it cuts through at all...

GREAT song, man!