Superior Drummer 2.0


Jun 24, 2011
Missouri, MO
I currently have Superior Drummer 2.0 with only the NY Avatar library, which I plan on upgrading to 2.3 with more libraries, and I am very pleased with the kit, as apposed to my samples through FL Studio.

I'm not too happy about the EQ and the Compressor that Superior Drummer offers. Would it be a good idea to print the stems of the drums and process them in my DAW with my own plugins. I'm quite fond of my Waves plugins.

I was thinking about doing it in this sort of fashion:

-Load up the program and set my levels until they sound appealing.
-Print off each sound individually, the 3 kick mics to one kick track, and etc.
-Print the ambient mics on a separate track
-process using my own plugs

Would this be an efficient method? Should I just stick with the Superior drummer plugs? Do you guys have any alternative suggestions?
I actually use Reaper, but I'll read through the manual and search on the internet if I have more questions. I do appreciate your assistance, felt like a face-palm moment there.
So if you use FL than I can help!
- First of all start with setting output of superior mixer (I like to EQ and COMP inside Superior seting outputs from superior mixer buses) - under each mixer track is stero output routings.
- then watch on superior drummer plugin left upper corner for gear shaped icon/ second tab have multi-channel output routing.

But you can use superior bounce option too - play whole track and chose to bounce tracks in superior drums - it will render all tracks.
If you use Reaper it should be really easy, just drag/open Superior and it should immediately give you a popup asking whether you want to multichannel it out or not, if you choose "yes" it will open all the individual tracks then all you have to do is go into Superior and on the bottom of any track in the mixer you can choose "multichannel".

-Open Reaper
-Drag Superior into Track
-Build Routing Confirmation = "YES"
-Superior "MIXER" page - "Output" (at the bottom) - "Multichannel"

Kick, Snare etc etc should all be going to there own tracks now.
Is it possible to change to a multi output after you selected just a single stereo output? Or do you need to start a new project?

You can, the only way I know is you have to go to the "Plug in Pin Connector" at the top right and start clicking the outputs you want, then add new tracks in Reaper and in the "IO" setting you'll add a new "Receive" from "1" (one being Superior if it's open on 1 etc), then in that same "Receives" section there's a dropdown where it says "Audio: 1/2" you'll have options for all the outputs where you can choose what to send where from Superior.

Haven't really messed around with that too much though, just now and then to set up a new output to put a trigger sound on etc.

You're simplest best bet, if you have the midi, is just to open Superior as a multi-out.

It always gives you the multi-out option for any vsti if you click and drag it, or right click and choose "Insert Virtual Instrument on New Track"

If you just create a track and choose to open a vsti like a regular effect vst it won't give you that option.