superior drummer 2's transient fx was made by??

don't get the SPL, tried it and hated it. Tried the sonnox it was really good, but didn't feel like spending that much on a transient designer.
what exactly is this good for? i used S2.0 a while back, but what is the practical use outside of the program, and for what instruments, etc?
The sonnex is the SHIT dude.

I sometimes put it on the drum buss and it beefs the hell out of it. I can post a clip if you'd like, one without sonnex and one with.

Another thing that's fun to do it so duplicate a drum buss and soften the transient to create a room sound.
SPL is pretty good. They had a free 'SPL Attacker' version, which was just the attack portion of the transient designer (and it can't lessen the attack, not sure if the full version can). I really like it, it brightens the attack as well as increasing it (helps out when clipping/limiting can soften the highend a bit), whereas a lot of other transient designers will give you a really dull attack.
you pretty much can't get away with an amazing drum sound without a transient designer

need attack and sustain. its better than using compression which doesnt translate after programming (because you're putting pre-compressed hits together rather than hits into a compressor)

people love slate samples, they've been through a transient designer of some sort, no doubt.
SPL calls it a "level independent dynamics processor." It does similar things as a compressor, but there is no threshold control, and all the ratio/ time constant controls are automated within the plug/ hardware box.

Basically it's just shaping the waveform like a compressor would, but without needing it to be at a threshold. That way it's processing all the lower level material as well.
what is it exactly that this plugins do? I am not quite getting it.

The idea is it makes the transients (the loudest parts) more/less obvious - on drums, it's about making the instant the stick/beater hits the skin really stand out. They also often have decay/sustain controls to adjust the 'ring' or fade out of the hit too, so for instance on a kick hit you can make the 'smack' stand out and the 'whump' shorter and more obvious.

I love SPLs transient designer, I use it on my snare a lot.

Where else could you use this on the kit? I heard toms and the drum bus, but for the drum bus...would this sound ok with the OHs as well, if they were running through the bus i mean?

Need to try this when I get home. :goggly: