Superior Drummer... sounds too roomy


Nov 26, 2009
Is there a better drum machine/sounds than superior, I just cant get close to anything usuable in what I do. Listening to bands today they have fatter snares better overheads that dont sound huge and room, more tizzy and kicks that are a little fake.

Ive seen the Slate stuff but I worry I am going to end up with another too real kit. I bought Superior as an alternative to BFD, ive tried the Metal foundry as well.

I cant understand why these companys cant release stuff a little bit more current. Listen to aNickelback snare or something and you would think they would put one of those in for a rock kit FFS.
You can't really expect superior to sound like Nickelback or xyz bands sound straight out of the box. Do you think Nickelbacks snare sounded like that before the tons of processing they applied to it? I don't really listen to them but I guess not. And where would be the challenge if it sounded like that straight away?:D
Is there a better drum machine/sounds than superior, I just cant get close to anything usuable in what I do. Listening to bands today they have fatter snares better overheads that dont sound huge and room, more tizzy and kicks that are a little fake.

Ive seen the Slate stuff but I worry I am going to end up with another too real kit. I bought Superior as an alternative to BFD, ive tried the Metal foundry as well.

I cant understand why these companys cant release stuff a little bit more current. Listen to aNickelback snare or something and you would think they would put one of those in for a rock kit FFS.

Learn to mix drums noob. And the general consensus is the metal foundry snares are shit. If you can't get the Avatar snares to sound good your doing it wrong.
No but seriously why can't you filter, compress, and blend Superior's room slightly? Or turn it off?
Is there a better drum machine/sounds than superior, I just cant get close to anything usuable in what I do. Listening to bands today they have fatter snares better overheads that dont sound huge and room, more tizzy and kicks that are a little fake.

Ive seen the Slate stuff but I worry I am going to end up with another too real kit. I bought Superior as an alternative to BFD, ive tried the Metal foundry as well.

I cant understand why these companys cant release stuff a little bit more current. Listen to aNickelback snare or something and you would think they would put one of those in for a rock kit FFS.

Yeah, man, I think what's happened here is that you've loaded up Superior and thought "shit, where's the 'do-stuff' button?". It sounds so "real" because they are real drums, multi-mic'd. Too much room? Take the room mic down! etc etc

Mixing real drums and mixing Toontrack aren't worlds apart man, in fact... it's the same damn principal in every respect. Study/practice drum mixing. How the fuck do you think Nickelback get those drum sounds? It's a real kit they're playing, you know.
Um... cos its in the overheads

I've tried processing the drums but they thin out was too quick.

Real drums seem much easier i mix them all the time
I tell you what i hear a lot of talk on forums but no do someone make superior do something similar you know make me think nickelback when i hear it post a sample and ill eat my mixbus. As you all sound so confident cos i can't get it close. And I've spent a lot of time with it...
You articulate yourself too poorly for me to even attempt to start considering even thinking about motivating myself to potentially begin to take the steps to try and help you. Are you just having a superior drummer rant?
Learn to mix drums noob. And the general consensus is the metal foundry snares are shit. If you can't get the Avatar snares to sound good your doing it wrong.

Wouldn't say that MF snares are "shit". There are some that make a pretty nice foundation if you are up for a more "wooden" sound without much ring.
It's harder to get them sound right then the avatar snares though.
Learn to fucking mix.

Like the rest of us fucking do.


I started by asking if there was a better alternative to Superior really.

I am have a rant.

But like a good Mix engineer I need evidence and so far I have been ridiculed, quite frankly the internet is full of bullshit and this isnt helping. I asked someone to evidence the point that it is posible to get the sort of results from Suprior drummer.

If all you can do is insult my mix capabilities rather than prove your own you leave yourself just as quesitonable as myself.

Seriously though its easy to rant, why dont some of you actually go against internet tradition and rather than just take the piss (the easy thing to do really) why not actually prove me wrong...

haha unless that is of course.. you can't...
I just want it to be possible... which currently nobody has jumped on!

You're the only person I've ever heard that said they weren't able to get good sounds from Superior Drummer.
That makes you pretty unique!!
Noone here needs to prove anything, there's literally hundreds of great sounding clips on the web using Superior.

It's absolutely certain that you are just shit at mixing.

Yeah really. All of us here have spent good time and effort learning how to make recordings sound halfway decent, and do you know how much of a slap in the face it is to have a novice like you come and ask how you can get a particular sound off the bat? You are trying to taunt us into giving you what you want, which clearly reflects your own inferiority at this craft.

I'll answer some stuff for you, for the money it cost, superior is well worth it. Slate samples are your next bet, because they rock. You won't sound like nickleback because you're not recording nickelback and you obviously don't know what you're doing.