Surely one can't have 600+ friends right? [ramble/rant]


Sep 18, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina
This is the thing that I don't like about facebook/people on facebook. I personally have about 55 (+/-5) and I know everyone on there..

Now I'm personally not much of a popular guy, nor do I try to be a popular guy. I tend to keep to myself. If I'm friends with anyone its because I've been in class with them multiple semesters. I get along with people and that's just fine with me.

What gets me about sites like facebook is that I'll see some of my friends with 600+ friends and i just don't see how you can be friends with that many people. I'd rather have the feature be named "People You've Seen" or "have talked to before" then that number would make sense.

I've got about 30-40 or so from high school from my years of playing in the various ensembles (5a highschool = pretty large bands). I didn't bother making long term relationships in Cincinnati cause I knew I'd be out in 4 years. I didn't see the point (same reason why I didn't bother with dating) The last bunch have come from my current college. I consider these people real friends. My highschool and older friends may not talk much but thats cause I don't live in atlanta anymore & it's been 4-5 years since I've seen them.

That's how I know people. I've been with them for multiple years and have gotten to know them. Yet on facebook, there was one instance that I noticed that a former lady friend of mine added a former friend of mine and I thought.. "what the hell, you've only talked to him for one day... 5 minutes at that".. this was also the last week of the semester and then the lady moved to another city.

I don't add people who I've only talked to for 5 minutes. If I think I know someone I'll add them, but if it turns out I don't, then I'll unfriend them where as the recipient will just keep me on their friends list if I don't.

Oi. Better end this now.
[/End ramble/rant]

Your thoughts?
It's very common for people to add each other after meeting one time at a party, or having a class together, or something.

I have 93 FB friends and I actually hang out in person with about 3 of them.
Well some people use it as a way to whore themselves out, but to be fair, others add "friends" that may not be longtime friends but family, and other acquaintances they may want to stay in touch with. Sometimes people use it for business as well. Nowadays FB Chat is the only instant messenger some people use so it's kind of forced on everyone to get a Facebook just for casual shit now.
I have over 500 friends. Many of them are fans, people I've met at gigs, old school mates, ect. I didn't add most of them, they reached out to me. I'm on FB pretty often, and I reply to most of the updates, so.. it's not like I did it on purpose. XD
I have over 500 friends. Many of them are fans, people I've met at gigs, old school mates, ect. I didn't add most of them, they reached out to me. I'm on FB pretty often, and I reply to most of the updates, so.. it's not like I did it on purpose. XD

I wasn't really considering people like you who are in bands and such. Thats completely understandable.
I have met almost everyone on my FB (which is around 300). Those I haven't met are networked either through ProgPower or Gracie Barra. They're all people I want to keep in touch with, somehow.
What does it matter how many friends/acquaintances other people have on any social networking site? It's of no reflection on you, so who cares?
As some have already mentioned in a way, I think you're being too literal with the "friends" thing on facebook. A lot of people will add others as friends from hs, college, forums, people they just met at a conference/party who they want to keep in touch with, etc. After looking, I have about 328 at the moment, but I would say a low percentage are people I'm actually friends with. The rest are pretty much acquaintances, whether through school, collaborations or people I've met at conferences.
What does it matter how many friends/acquaintances other people have on any social networking site? It's of no reflection on you, so who cares?


I have just under 300 people on my Facebook. They are school mates from grade school through grad school, cool people I've met at concerts, people I know through ProgPower, a small number of folks I know via Livejournal, and a small number of folks from other forums that I don't go to anymore.

I'm always happy to add ProgPower folks to my Facebook, mostly because I just like all of you. Well...not ALL. B ut the majority of you, I like and would like to know better. :) And face it, seeing some of you once a year just doesn't cut it, so it's nice to keep in touch via Facebook.
I'm just a social butterfly with my ~90 friends. Most of them I know in person or just enjoy talking to but I don't add people, or accept requests from folks who i've never communciated with in person or online.
I have over 600 friends on FB...actually close to 700.
MANY of them are from the PPUSA "sphere" (which now also includes the old #ytsejam days, since someone has started a FB group for the old Ytsejam Mailing List).
Quite a few are from other musical "spheres" -- WREKage listeners, people I know from non-metal bands, etc.
There are probably about 50 friends or so from the glory days of the University System of Georgia Computer Network -- we were chatting in realtime all across the state as early as 1982...looong before anyone else like CompuServe came along.
Add in another 50-60 from DragonCon and other conventions I attend or work with, and 'literary' connections such as writers and fans (notably Storm Constantine and Michael Moorcock and some of their fans).

So.....yeah, I have a fair number of friends. I'll probably trim the list by about 50 on the "if I can't immediately place this person by name, out they go" principle soon, though.
On FB, I break things down to the following categories:

1. PP USA friends. Many of whom are here on the UM forums (and some have even posted on this thread!)
2. High school & college classmates.
3. Family (my own relatives or the wife's)
4. Other working relationships (former jobs, youth groups I've worked with, BBS friends from long ago and current ones, etc.)

So I know pretty much know most of them, though I do admit there is a small percentage I don't know all that well.
I did friend a few band members and such, some of which I have never met in person. But that's the exception and not the rule.

But I do prune the list ever so often and keep it down to a dull roar. Probably around 250 +/-.
I'm just pointing out that I already noted in title of this post that this was going to be a ramble/rant. I assumed you had forgotten what a ramble/rant was since you asked who cares.

And yes I said "Your Thoughts?", should I have removed that from my post?
They are acquaintances, I accept most people except family a generation over me (no aunts/uncles/parents). I was on some mailing lists and people added me through those, work folks add a bunch of people, old high school people add. That was the thing to do. I'm probably going to purge my list some time, but I don't want to insult anybody. Maybe I'll just hide them. I just really don't need to know their status.
I'm just pointing out that I already noted in title of this post that this was going to be a ramble/rant. I assumed you had forgotten what a ramble/rant was since you asked who cares.

And yes I said "Your Thoughts?", should I have removed that from my post?

Jaime asked that question, not me. I'm just pointing out the amusement that you're sounding like a FB status post. :)