Susperia are fucking awesome

Thats IT. You make me sick. You want to buy a hack cast off band like Susperia but you wont buy a Dimmu Borgir album? I have two Susperia albums and Dimmu Borgir kicks their ass and pees on them.

BTW, Tjodalv, the drummer in Susperia plays on Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, Godless Savage Garden and Spiritual Black Dimensions by Dimmu.
Spawno, I knew about the drummer being from Dimmu, he is awesome. Also, there is some Dimmu albums on my list, so calm down. From what I have heard though, Susperia are more enjoyable straight heavy fucking metal, where Dimmu are more in depth and work well as background music. I am keen to get more from both bands, though.
I have 2 Susperia cds and didnt like either of them, thats why im so damn upset at you :)
Did you know Deep Red & Tenebrae have just finally been released properly on DVD here. Both uncut, uncensored and widescreen with TONS of extras. :rock:

First time Deep Red has been available anywhere in the world uncut & in widescreen, SBS had the only print of it that was known.
Most versions of Deep Red/Profondo Rosso are about 97 minutes, the uncut one is 123 minutes. The main difference is that the video version cut out ALOT of scenes with an entire subplot going on which made the continuity of the film pretty bad at times (for example when the 2 main characters are suddenly packing their bags to go somewhere which hadn't even been mentioned before). The uncut version makes a hell of a lot more sense in terms of storyline!

The cool thing about having them on DVD too will be that you can choose to watch it in original language with subtitles or dubbed in English depending on which you prefer.
Well, maybe its because I was told that they were a bit similair to Dimmu, and seeing as they had Dimmus drummer I figured id get the cds, it turns out they arent like Dimmu at all, so I didnt think much of them. But, im moving tomorrow so when I unpack my cds I might give them another listen :)
Moving is hell on earth, I hope someone cuts off my head with a +6 Battleaxe while I am asleep tonight so I dont have to go through with it.
Trixxi Trash said:
Most versions of Deep Red/Profondo Rosso are about 97 minutes, the uncut one is 123 minutes. The main difference is that the video version cut out ALOT of scenes with an entire subplot going on which made the continuity of the film pretty bad at times (for example when the 2 main characters are suddenly packing their bags to go somewhere which hadn't even been mentioned before). The uncut version makes a hell of a lot more sense in terms of storyline!
Yeah I seem to remember the romance subplot between David Hemmings and the girl was obliterated... I'm sure part of the sequence at the old house (just before he burns it down) was cut too.
Blitzkrieg said:
Yeah I can understand that I spose, if you were expecting Dimmu then you would be disappointed, as they are really nothing like them, but they still fucking rock!
The way their labels keeping pushing the "ex-Dimmu Borgir drummer Tjoldav's new band", it's not surprising people would expect them to sound like DB. Tjoldav hasn't been in Dimmu since 1999, and the band was formed before that, so it's hardly "new".
Yep the part where the house burns down is sandwiched right between where the majority of the cut scenes are so it really seems strange in the short version I think!