Swamplord or They Will Return?


Jan 15, 2002
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this is a eternity question...(for Kalmah fans)so start polling!!

They Will Return: faster and catchy but Swamplord is one of my all time favs albums too...
Even though I dont own Swamplord, I have half that album downloaded. I do have They Will Return and that is a very good album. But I like what I have heard off of Swamplord better.
well i have to admit that i planned to put a poll but i forgot to click the box "poll"...but the argue can be done this way too so harm done...i guess..dont shoot me!:)
:yell: aaarghhh, I cannot decide!
I like both albums just as much :cry: actually, this is no reason to cry at all!:D

np: Final Dawn - Aggression Overdrive :rock: