

Hi there!
Well, though my question is not really related to Vintersorg ( or music at all ) I would be really grateful if anyone could help me out with some informations ... momentary I'm planning to spent maybe two or three weeks on a hiking tour in Sweden this summer ( to explore "pure nature" ); therefore I'm still searching for some nice destinations ... we'll probably have no car, so it would also be important that the location can be reached by train ( we'll start from Stockholm ). I already know the nature reserve "Glaskogen" ( near Arvika ), which I visited some years ago ... would be great if some of you could suggest some other nice places ( maybe you could even give a link or website where I can find additional informations ) ...

Thanks in advanced,
I plan too for going in sweden this summer, but dont now how i wil travel, cause the police take my driving licence, too fast on the road with my motorbike :yell: .

If i got my driving licence back for this summer i plan to travel the south east coast of sweden to Stockolm, then cross the middle of the country to gothenburg.

With no driving licence i will just go to Stockolm by plane, and stay there around a week.

So if anyone got any advices about places to visit, it will be cool, thanks a lot !

Damned, this forum turn into touristic agency :)
There are so many things you must see in sweden :D
But first off Sweden has pretty varied nature(it's a long country) Try to see as many different parts as possible. Personally I love the north(or northwest) of sweden. Big forests, lakes moors bogs and mountains. Unexploited :) which means it's not that easy going there, of course.
@Gaunerin: Thanks for the links ... I'll surely check out some of those webpages when I have some more time.

Regarding some more informations : Well, right now we're not planning other activities than hiking ( between 10 and 20 kilometers each day - probably we're not going to stay more that one or two days at the same place !! ), but since we'll have no car, we're searching for a location which is large enough to spend about 2 weeks ( I think it would be too much effort to travel between several locations by train !! ) ... regarding landscape we would have no special preferences, but since we need to find some water at least once each day, it would make most sense to wander around a lake ...

Until the sunset,
It's hard to name any specific places...

Provinces (or landskap, as we call them) that are idyllic and have a good mix of forets, lakes and historical places of interest are: Värmland, Dalsland, Dalarna, Småland, Hälsingland, Södermanland etc. A particularly good choice of destination if you´re going by bike is to visit the island of Gotland, which lies in the Baltic Sea. Visby, the main (medieval) town of the island, is incredible in the summers.

No matter where you are in Sweden, it's never far to unspoilt nature (and a lake or two). So, where ever you decide on going, welcome!

NP: Dimension F3H - Reaping the World Winds
Personally I would recommend you to take the train up to the northern parts and explore the real wildlife, the beautiful mountains. But as someone stated earlier, that might be a bigger project than a regular hike :)
For a thorough guide through Sweden, refer to Nils Holgersson. ;)

I'm going to Sweden (Stockholm) this summer, too. By plane. And if I get that special offer I want, it'll only cost € 155.

We could all meet up in Stockholm. :lol:
I'll be in Stockholm between the 3rd and 11th of July. The tickets are booked, it's all fixed. Whoever is in Stockholm during that time could meet me. ;)
I'm going to sweden as well *crosses fingers*
recommend cool places
everyone told me that stockholm is a shithole town tho...
manuelgv said:
I'm going to sweden as well *crosses fingers*
recommend cool places
everyone told me that stockholm is a shithole town tho...

I bet it's better than Mexico City though.

NP: Graveland - Raise Your Sword!
I´ve lived in Stockholm for about six months, and it's nothing I would like to do again. Shopping & drinking is great though, but not much else...
Somber Soul said:
I'll be in Stockholm between the 3rd and 11th of July. The tickets are booked, it's all fixed. Whoever is in Stockholm during that time could meet me. ;)

I´ll be damned. My vacation starts 30th of June and ends 21st of July. This is the only time of 2003 that I will NOT be in Stockholm.

NP: Graveland - RYS!
David Å. said:
Jävla lantis!

Well, det är precis av den anledningen jag inte gillade Sthlm. Vart man än gick så blev man kallad lantis eller skåning (jag bor fan inte ens i Skåne)... Just av den anledningen föredrar jag Gbg & Malmö om vi snackar storstäder i Sverige.

Sorry for the use of Swedish, but this one had to go in our native tounge...
Well Mexico city kicks ass
we have everything you want
and Swedish people told me that about Stockholm.It's on the DT board
someone told me the best thing about Stockholm is the train station on your way out
@ David Å.: Too bad. But it was an opportune time for me to fly there, since I'm also taking my host back with me. ;)