swedish men...

Most people including me get it done when you're really really young, so you probably can't remember it anyway.
lol actually, it can be more harmful than helpful. bacteria can build up really easily underneath the forskin, which can cause some nasty infections!
Funeral Portrait said:
lol actually, it can be more harmful than helpful. bacteria can build up really easily underneath the forskin, which can cause some nasty infections!

Well that's easily avoided by bathing (showering). Its like bathing any other part of the body, it's no big deal.
Most Nordic and Asian men are not circumsized.
The reason that circumcision is widely practiced in America as opposed to western Europe is because western Europe is where the most progressive and advanced societies in the world are. America is very conservative and backward by comparison.
Fade to Black said:
i aint circumsized
apparently a lot of girls dont know what it is...

well my gf didnt
so i had to draw her a picture...

Yeah, i mean my girlfriend thought I was circumsized, but i'm not, I was shocked when she said it!

There's really no purpose to it these days, except for tradition or if you're not going to have a shower for the next few years...
another reason many couples have their sons circumcised is because the father is as well. then the boy wont wonder whats wrong with his penis when he's a small child if his dads is the same.