swedish schoolgirls?!

EEWWWWW... :yuk: Now we've got some gay action going on here.

Btw, scandinavian girls rock! If I was a lesbian, I'd definitely choose a scandinavian, actually I even know, who'd that be :rolleyes:

Damn, I gotta drink less and start acting like a real pure maiden of Finland :loco:
is this the part where i better shut up or else i'll get my little argentinian butt kicked?
but i can't help it!!! :-D that pure maiden of finland phrase just cracks me up :-DD
EagleFlyFree said:
is this the part where better shut up or else i'll get my little argentinian butt kicked?
but i can't help it!!! :-D that pure maiden of finland phrase just cracks me up :-DD

Whatever... :p

I guess I can somehow understand you, since I was a teenager too a long time ago :grin:
It's not like every scandinavian girl got those, but a few of us do and that's why we rock! :p

I'm not going to reveal my superpowers to you, it's better to keep you on your toes :lol:
don't think i'm new to dealing against threats to my life and all that, your swede girlfriend does that a lot :-P
so save your superpowers to enslave your husband, you have a better chance of killing me from laughter :-P
My swedish girlfriend?? Hmmm, who could that be, I've only got one swedish fan, but she ain't no girlfriend of mine... :p

And I've never had to use my powers on my husband and probably never will, they're not that kind of powers.

Dying from laughter... That might be cool, at least you would leave this world with a huge smile on your face, though I'm not sure how that would fit your pirate-image :grin:
yeah, i can imagine what kind of powers you use against your husband to make him do things for you :-P poor him huh :bah: :-P

i'm a pirate in all my right! but i allow myself to smile from time to time, like for example when i get women nervous because they don't know what to answer :-) <--- see, i'm allowing that to myself now :-P
And when did you get a woman so nervous, that she didn't know what to say..? :Smug:

And I'm quite sure that my husband doesn't object when I use my other powers on him, that's a proven fact :grin:
hmmmmmm.... fuck.. I wanna it!!
what the fuck is going on here! show some respect to the late grooving fruit will you all!! i might have got tired of those fuckers and chopped them to pieces but that still doesn't take they were... the groovy fruit bunch!

@Wanko: go learn how to cultivate decent sized bananas instead of that crap you folks grow that needs a microscope to be eaten! :-P
EagleFlyFree said:
what the fuck is going on here! show some respect to the late grooving fruit will you all!! i might have got tired of those fuckers and chopped them to pieces but that still doesn't take they were... the groovy fruit bunch!

@Wanko: go learn how to cultivate decent sized bananas instead of that crap you folks grow that needs a microscope to be eaten! :-P
dude, did you ever hear about "banana d'água"? :lol:

i can tell you, it could make a 2 meters tall african tribe member ashamed :lol: