There's something wrong with the people over at the Dark Tranquility board

Originally posted by Lord of Metal
I'm at a loss on how to respond to that. :lol: You seem to have an extreme abhorrence for Europeans that I have never noticed.
naw im just fuckin around. trying to live up to expectations of the neverboard.
DT owns nobody.

And I must say though, the quality of posting has severely dipped since deadskinmask and trapped have left....

we have been left with ledmag mullet talk which I can't quite understand and rebirth and his psycho, drug induced posts which absolutely blow my mind on a regular basis.
Reading this thread, I kept having to remind myself that when people typed "DT", they meant Dark Tranquility and not Dream Theater.

Memo to Tranquillian, ThePKH, and various other DT poster: Okay, so we make immature posts. What's your point? We're having FUN, kiddies. And we have plenty of intelligent discussions, too...we just add in the occasional flame war or drug-induced raving (rebirth, neal) to shake things up. The Internet is the WRONG place to go for constant intelligent debate.
fuck them. we dont have to defend ourselves. if they want to think we're all idiots thats fine. let em stay at their own little forum and talk about how they're so much smarter and cooler than us. who cares.
If this were all intelligent speaking here, like they REQUIRE in the "Unofficial In Flames Forum," then I'd leave and never return. You can only talk about music there, and flaming/disagreements will get you banned from the forum.
yeh. we've already talked to death everything about nevermore that we can. we need a new album to talk about, and until we have it, i suspect this place will remain how it is.