There's something wrong with the people over at the Dark Tranquility board

Originally posted by Guerrilla
Now, this obviously leads us to believe that swedish death metal is basically pop.

Whether U[sic]M (also known as Mattias of the Night) listens to DT or not isn't clear, as he never takes part in relevant discussion of the band, but he's a general clown we inherited from the official In Flames forum. I do believe it was an attempt at sarcasm though.

People listening to swedish death metal generally can not handle extreme music and have never heard of any extreme metal bands.
Death metal is pop. As far as musical theory goes, there are two genres of music, classical and pop.

They remain sheltered in that little world of theirs dominated by bands like Dark Tranquility and In Flames and are happy listening to pop melodies and catchy tunes.
You mean like early AtG, Eucharist, Dissection and DT rely on pop melodies?

Now this could have several meanings.
A. Ormir took my original message seriously and he means that since Nevermore is a US band, we only like US metal and bash European metal.
B. Ormir just figured out that the whole thing is a joke and he points it out to everybody by making that remark. So does that mean the Nevermore board is viewed by others as a bunch of jokers?
C. Ormir is referring to the flame war that's starting. Again that means that the Nevermore board is viewed by others as a bunch of flaming terrorists (YEAH!). However since Ormir included my name while I hadn't flamed anybody this is probably not what he meant.
It was obvious to me the only purpose of the thread was to troll the board and incite flames. I came to this conclusion after reading some of your posts in the Nevermore board. The flame war that was going on reinforced my belief, and that's when I decided to comment. It was an incredibly stupid thread to start with, and Nevermore board has a reputation for such, so that was the gist of my comment.

So to conclude, from the above experiment we learned that...
1.Swedish death metal is pop.
You mean like The Crown, Dissection, Amon Amarth, Maze of Torment, Serpent Obscene, Entombed, Dismember, Naglfar?

All swedish death metal is not "melodic death metal".
Melodic death metal is not death metal.
Originally posted by Karmic
isnt Dissection BLACK metal? :p

They said themselves that they had always played Death Metal, but this genre stuff is only good aslong as everybody has the same op. about it, and since noone agrees...

me no likes mudvayne....but....why do they naturally list our nu metal bands?....

i mean....i woulda expected to see them list american death metal bands....not nu metal

death, morbid angel, deicide, cannibal corpse, obituary, malevolent creation, demolition hammer......something
Originally posted by IOfTheStorm
dark tranquility....
when they gave a show here with Candlemass and Entombed, all little girls were screaming while watching this fag stanne of dark tranquility , jumping his ass upside down to the stupid keyboard disco rythms that have some guitar "riffs" behind them.....
and when Entombed came out they left...probably too heavy and loud for them
and generaly for dark t. fans
and while the GODZ Candlemass went on stage , they probably had their ears melt.
dark tranquility fans make me sick

hahaha.indeed they seem to be too unique for you to like.
Originally posted by rahvin

moreover, i reckon this whole experiment is to science what puking in a plastic bag is to french-kissing your girlfriend. ;)


i'd like to express my agreement on this statement....
and also add that a psychology student can find the whole stuff amusing... it's quite impressive how some vague/unjustified/"i don't know how else i should call it" stuff may appear coated in the veil of "scientific" words and stuff...... :bah:

without acting like a fussy student chanting and ranting i dare to say that indeed you are a bad scientist,Guerilla :p

That would be pointless. If I tried to throw them out, they would gang up on me, beat the hell out of me, and then throw me out the window. It's easier on me and them if I just skip the first three steps and throw myself out.
naw dude, they're weak little foreigners. havnt you seen europeans before? they're all frail an shit from smoking 7 packs of cigerettes a day. we could kick their asses.
Looks like I'm not the only resident dumbass at this board!

I agree, this board is pretty immature, and from what I saw, the DT board was pretty sophisticated.
