Swedish tickets for the KREATOR/D.T. tour now available!

rahvin's humour kind of suck, that's great. :)

"Hungarian hardcore/thrash metallers EKTOMORF and Danish thrashers HATESPHERE have been confirmed as the support acts on KREATOR's upcoming "Enemy Of God" European tour."

I have to check the hungarians but I've already seen Hatesphere and they're a good live act. A prrrrrretty good lineup imho, should have something for both thrashers and hm, I don't know, melodeath-ppl?
MP-AKK said:
rahvin's humour kind of suck, that's great. :)
well, at least someone tries to use it. i agree that those who don't really have any are better off sticking to boring replies, or none at all, but since there's plenty of complaints about the forum being tedious, i'd really be interested in seeing you try and say something funny, instead of snotty as per your watermark.
MP-AKK said:
Maybe I'll try to be a little funny around christmas time, I might need some time. Anyway, it wasn't some kind of kamakazi attack on you - I really respect ya authority, mkay?
it's kamikaze, if you meant suicidal - even if i have no idea why you would mean suicidal. maybe some attacks on me could actually spice things up a bit, but i hope that when i start posting on this board some more i'll offer better pretexts than a joke that - as lame as it certainly was for tranquillian's sense of humour and yours, accustomed as they are to the highest standards of scandinavian comedy - should probably go unnoticed once there's something else to talk about.
I actually thought it was kind of funny so I was trying to reflect on that more than arming some kind of sarcastic attack. I really like that, deliberately half-pathetic dry sense of humour.
Kovenant84 said:
Could he be referring to Wazoo? As a comparison of her funny vs. yours?
still wazoo? :o ffs, if dim was so infatuated with her why didn't he do something about it besides perforating our reproductive system with the hints? he's a pretty cool guy when he's not talking about politics, i'm sure he'd have had more than half a chance.
Okay, timeout. I'm a bit lost here, is DT 2004 really Dimmie? If yes, why does he have a new account? And what happened to Wazoo, where's she? :confused:

And sorry if all this has been explained somewhere else - I really can't keep up with all the threads on this forum anymore. I hope that changes for the better once I get my graduation-thesis ready - there shouldn't be more than about four weeks to that, btw, or else I'm screwed... :erk:
