Sweet guitars

Elysian893 said:

i'd love to own this, even with the emg's.

HOLY CRAP looks a lot like my guitar! body shape wise...
no, a company called Abyss... i'm gonna build this at roberto-venn, since i gotta build a LP copy and all... probly gonna make the black knob in the black area a white knob though...

Elysian893 said:
no, a company called Abyss... i'm gonna build this at roberto-venn, since i gotta build a LP copy and all... probly gonna make the black knob in the black area a white knob though...


How much tuition do you have to pay for a place like that?
LadyValerie said:
How much tuition do you have to pay for a place like that?
tuition comes close to 10k... then you have to pay for all materials, as well as tools, and you have to find a place to live, it really starts adding up... expect to spend 15-20k just to go...
Elysian893 said:
tuition comes close to 10k... then you have to pay for all materials, as well as tools, and you have to find a place to live, it really starts adding up... expect to spend 15-20k just to go...

How long do you stay?
Elysian893 said:
upon further investigation, that is a sevenstring.org member's guitar lol
erm.. which part of your sentence supposed to be funny ??:u-huh:
Elysian893 said:
no, a company called Abyss... i'm gonna build this at roberto-venn, since i gotta build a LP copy and all... probly gonna make the black knob in the black area a white knob though...

I have to say Elysian, that's a pretty sweet guitar.
Elysian893 said:
no, a company called Abyss... i'm gonna build this at roberto-venn, since i gotta build a LP copy and all... probly gonna make the black knob in the black area a white knob though...


that guitar looks ugly to me, but i'm not real big into the lp shape and the way they look, plus the pickups just look weird imo.
Enemy242 said:
that guitar looks ugly to me, but i'm not real big into the lp shape and the way they look, plus the pickups just look weird imo.
i'm not a LP fan either, but if i have to build one i'm gonna make the sickest one ever. the pickups are X2N's, it doesn't get more metal than that.