Sweet guitars

im going to get one of thos ESP Sv-standard guitars. i figured, i think alexi is an Awsome guitarist, he has a bloody nice axe but i dont want to be Exactly like him and have his Exact guitar! though i admire him very much
It is a Cristophe Capelli luthier custom guitar, with an ibanez jem neck :D
I have no idea of how much it costs, but it prolly isn't overpriced, since there are no brand names on the headstock
ie Fender has the most expensive headstock decal ever :lol:
And man, the guitar you posted is beyond fugly, but the specs rule :p

bobvex said:
A kid i know has one of those. Not that model, but a Different one. I couldn't access the upper frets at all
gary holdt from exodus doesn't seem to have any problems ;) least he didn't seem to when i saw megadeth/exodus last year
in my honest opinion, a jem is no better than a higher model RG/Prestige RG... the RG570's of yesteryear and the newer RG1570/1550's(jap made of course, i hear they are moving to korean made soon), are all of similar quality minus the nicer pickups... slap some decent pickups in a RG570 and you're in business.
Thanatopsis said:
whats up with the duct tape on Vai's guitar??

so his tech doesnt have to take off screws when making adjustments to his trem, and to replace the batteries for the sustainer and led's
BloodyScalpel said:
It is a Cristophe Capelli luthier custom guitar, with an ibanez jem neck :D
I have no idea of how much it costs, but it prolly isn't overpriced, since there are no brand names on the headstock
ie Fender has the most expensive headstock decal ever :lol:
And man, the guitar you posted is beyond fugly, but the specs rule :p


Thanks dude.
When I have serious money, i will definately and most seriously consider a Cappelli Luthier. If I will ever own one, you can play it for 15 minutes. :grin:
After i visited the shop to hear how they sound, of course :p

I couldn't find any specs, are they are all customs?
-Gavin- said:
That's the easton mirror rhoads, if i'm not mistaken..

That's the single sexiest rhoads on earth...

yes it is the only thing that would make it sexier is if I was the one who played it!:rock: