Sweet New Band!!


New Metal Member
Jun 30, 2012
Hey what's up guys? I was watching some As I Lay Dying vids on youtube, I'm stoked for their new CD lol. Anyway while I was watching I came across this comment some guy made about this band called Weightless In Waiting. I had never heard of them but he was really talking them up saying they're one of the coolest bands he's heard. So I decided to check them out and they are really sick!! From a fan's perspective they have a really unique sound which is pretty catchy I must say. So anyone looking for something new I highly recommend them! :rock:

I don't understand why people post samples of their band and think that if they pretend that they have nothing at all to do with the band, even though they have 1 post and always blatantly mention how they "came across" it, people here will like the sample way more than if they actually just said it was their band
If I want some mallcore shit I can find 100 better bands that play the style. That, sir, was unlistenable. Atrocious in every aspect, and you deserve nothing less than 65 lashings to the back, you moronic excuse for a musician.

I like how he had to specify "from a fan's perspective". Fuck you, BMTH and fuck everything you stand for.
If I want some mallcore shit I can find 100 better bands that play the style. That, sir, was unlistenable. Atrocious in every aspect, and you deserve nothing less than 65 lashings to the back, you moronic excuse for a musician.

I like how he had to specify "from a fan's perspective". Fuck you, BMTH and fuck everything you stand for.
