What is your favorite "new" band(s) this year

Hmm I was hoping this was a Best new bands of 2015 thread as in actual new bands. Maybe I'll make that one?

For bands that are 'new to me' this year, let's see: Ansur, Despair, Skeletal Remains, Yob, Ufomammut

This. Also, Akhlys. The Dreaming!

Tons of black metal nuts here. I haven't even scratched the surface of that genre. I like all of what I've heard but there's just so much..

I think it's more because

A) It's such a definitionally open ended and experimentation friendly genre. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing BM split into 2-3 completely different genres. I still find rather difficult to rationalize some acts being "under the same roof" as others.


B) Lots of one man projects that work out surprisingly well
Thy Catafalque. The new album is so insane! This is the kind of shit that makes me want to blaze out of my mind and just lie in bed listening to it for hours. Such a gem of an album. I encourage everyone to check it out.

Adora Vivos is another ass kicking band I discovered this year.

these are the best two things i've come across this year. the former is the best old-school DM i've heard in a long time - maybe top 10 ever level shit for me - the latter is the closest thing to arch-era fates warning i've ever heard.
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That Catacomb is awesome. There are compilation CDs for both of these bands. I will probably buy them.