Swine Flu


Metal Grandma
Mar 12, 2003
New Jersey
The media would have us believe this is fast approaching pandemic level. Are you concerned? Do you think it's blown out of proportion.

One "authority" does. :rolleyes:

Where do you think this is heading and will you change travel plans or take any other precautions? If you really think this is a threat, what do you think our government and/or any other governments should do? I'm not sure yet, what I make of all this.
I think it's being blown out of proportion. Bird flu was blown out of proportion, and they're doing the same with Swine Flu. Given that no one here in the states has died from it yet (last I heard) I think people are freaking out over nothing.
Well, my better half is a Clinical Lab Scientist, and she and her coworkers don't seem to be worried, even though they are doing some research into it. Am I worried? Not really, as all of you have heard or read this is really out of hand in Mexico, but steps are being taken to contain it, albeit a little late. There are drugs that when given the patient fully recovers. Do I think the government should do more? Yes I do, number one is restrict all travel to and from Mexico, as I believe this is where it all started. do I mean close the borders? If need be. One thing we don't want, is something like "The Stand".
According to CNN, there are two possible deaths in California.

I'm still not too worried about it. I live in a Mexico boarder state and we have yet to have any cases here.

Edit: Never mind the above statement. The evening news just said that five cases are being tested here in Albuquerque right now. Results will be available later tonight.
Eh, I think it's being somewhat blown out of proportion. IMO, it's the *potential* of this to continue to mutate and spread quickly which is the actually scary part, but I doubt most people understand that. :b
do I mean close the borders? If need be. One thing we don't want, is something like "The Stand".

Not to be snarky, but someone else suggested this on reddit. Once you find a way to close the borders, would you mind letting the government know?

As far as the concern goes, I am so sick of hearing about it I could scream. It's influenza, it's the flu. Guess what mutates and spreads around every year? The Flu. Swine flu, the bird flu, the flu is the flu, man the fuck up and eat some chicken soup.

in before doctors yell at me.
Are you concerned?

I wouldn't say that I'm "concerned", but as a healthcare worker, I am indeed attentive.

what do you think our government and/or any other governments should do?

I think that it was an extremely wise decision for the Mexican government to close public venues and schools for 10 days b/c with this being viral, it's extremely easy to spread to others.

~ Jen
Third World living conditions, overpopulation, densely-populated living, and the globalization of virtually every facet of life these days make the reality of a very serious pandemic extremely possible.

I'm 28 and I think there's a good chance that in my lifetime I will either live through or die via some sort of crazy pandemic. People have been foolishly conditioned to believe its all smoke and mirrors based solely off the alarmist reactions to SARS, H5N1, etc. Of course for now, the recent scares haven't panned out to much more than centralized areas of concern around the world. But judging by the cavalier attitude of most who I've talked with about this subject, it will be interesting to see how people really do deal with a serious pandemic, when/if it happens.
The media seems to sensationalize everything these days, and I think that's what is happening at this point. I'm not saying this doesn't have the potential to become something serious to worry about, but I really hate the Chicken Little mentality lately. "OMG we're gonna die!!" It seems really unfair that this is happening in Mexico - they have enough crap going on there already.
In my area lately we've had a measles outbreak, which concerns me more.
I <oink> have started <oink> to feel a little <oink> under the weather. I wonder <oink> if I should <oink> make a Dr.'s <oink> app<oink>ment.
The media seems to sensationalize everything these days, and I think that's what is happening at this point. I'm not saying this doesn't have the potential to become something serious to worry about, but I really hate the Chicken Little mentality lately. "OMG we're gonna die!!"

YUP! to everything you said.
Dunno if it's changed yet, but I heard yesterday that only one person in the US had even been hospitalized before identification and quarantine. Seems to be a weaker strain here than in Mexico.

The real laugher is that some countries have banned the import of pork from Mexico and affected U.S. states...when it has been clinically proven that swine flu cannot be contracted from eating pork in any way.

Oh, if the US economy doesn't improve soon, per the news yesterday it could be an effect of swine flu. Downright handy.

I was thinking that this swine flu outbreak could be a very useful crisis for those who never let a good crisis go to waste, and it seems I was right. Not too heavily covered in the news yesterday because swine flu was chewing up the newscast scenery were a few items of note: GM's "last chance" pre-bankruptcy reorganization plan would have the US Government and the UAW owning the company outright (!). Also, Congress agreed to "fast track" Obama's $1 trillion health-care and tax increase proposals, which means they'll now be passed over any GOP objections, only 51 votes needed in the Senate, not 60.

Good news, though: according to an AP article just posted, the number of swine flu cases in Mexico appears to be stabilizing.
I'm concerned, but not panicked about it...

That's the downfall of our modern society - the advent of the 24/7 news channel. Now that we have so many of them, they need to fill in a lot of empty space by repeating the same thing over and over ad nauseum. What was a concern is now outright panic, thanks to CNNFOXMSNBCHeadlineNews

I'm scheduled for a Mexico trip next week. I still plan to go. If the hysteria gets worse, I may consider canceling, but for now I choose to not get caught up in the media hype.

Steve in Philly