Swine Flu


Jun 23, 2009
Toowoomba , Australia
Who's got it? I do!
Dunno what the massive fuss was about hey. Couple of codeine/paracetamols every few hours and you're gravy! I feel better than when I've had regular flu... except last time I had seven Steven Segal movies to watch, hahaha
Who's had it, what was your experience?
And, appreciation for Steven Segal plz
Did not have it, but it seems weaker then the normal flu at the moment.. the media man, the damn media.
Damn dude, I hope you get over it soon. What are your symptoms?
I'm wondering if there are different strains of this swine flu extravaganza.
My wife had it for over a month and it was a nightmare. She complained of total body muscular pain and weakness, waves of nausea, migraines, she even threw up and my wife has only puked once or twice in her entire life including recently. She said she experienced heat waves (she's only 22 so no, it isn't menopause :lol: ) and then freezing spells. There were a couple other bits and pieces but nothing that stands out at the moment. It was probably a bit worse for the mother-in-law because she has fibro myalgia as well.
Damn dude, I hope you get over it soon. What are your symptoms?
I'm wondering if there are different strains of this swine flu extravaganza.
My wife had it for over a month and it was a nightmare. She complained of total body muscular pain and weakness, waves of nausea, migraines, she even threw up and my wife has only puked once or twice in her entire life including recently. She said she experienced heat waves (she's only 22 so no, it isn't menopause :lol: ) and then freezing spells. There were a couple other bits and pieces but nothing that stands out at the moment. It was probably a bit worse for the mother-in-law because she has fibro myalgia as well.

Did she have the Tammyflu?
I'm kinda hoping the hype stays with it for a while cause i'm working the Swine-Flu-Hotline

and unless you got a high temp, its probably something else, don't worry....
Did she have the Tammyflu?

The Doc wrote her a script for it and when we tried to pick it up, the chemist(s) were all out of stock. She just had to suffer it out for a couple of weeks.
I'm very lucky I haven't been sick for longer than I can remember even while living with infected family members. I dose up on B Complex and Sustained Release C vitamins daily along with ginseng.
The Doc wrote her a script for it and when we tried to pick it up, the chemist(s) were all out of stock. She just had to suffer it out for a couple of weeks.
I'm very lucky I haven't been sick for longer than I can remember even while living with infected family members. I dose up on B Complex and Sustained Release C vitamins daily along with ginseng.

Very strange, the Tammyflu makes you really sick. If I do happen to get swine flu there is no way im taking the stuff! At best it only cuts the flu off by about 1 day :mad:
I had something recently but I don't know what it was... no muscular pain but just really tired and sick. Had a little fever, not too bad though and my nose was totally blocked so I couldn't breath much through my nose etc. Just regular shit really... yet people told me "I wonder if it's swine flu?" because there were so many people at work that got sick during that period, and I caught mine from a co-worker or two. Anyway.... *yawn*
it was probably normal flu... to be honest, the symptoms for swine flue are the same as alot of ailments...

hell, my 11month old son is teething right now, which can manifest in at least 4 of the symptoms needed to confirm swine flu...
Could have sworn I replied to this before.. I had it about a month ago. Gave it to my 4 flatmates. Everyone was sweet as! I was only out for a couple of days. No idea what all the fuss was about.
Dont get vaccinated its full of mercury and shit! A women just died of 'meningitis' after taking tamiflu. Ive heard that tamiflu can cause a brain infection but they'll say its meningitis to get off the hook. Take 3-5 cloves of raw garlic and 3x5ml of cayenne pepper a day if you think you've got flu. Dont believe the hype!
I had something recently but I don't know what it was... no muscular pain but just really tired and sick. Had a little fever, not too bad though and my nose was totally blocked so I couldn't breath much through my nose etc. Just regular shit really... yet people told me "I wonder if it's swine flu?" because there were so many people at work that got sick during that period, and I caught mine from a co-worker or two. Anyway.... *yawn*

It's also known as the end of summer holiday :lol:
Don't worry guys! Flying rabbis fight swine flu! We are all saved! :lol:

Rabbis and Kabbalah mystics recite prayers to ward off swine flu

A group of rabbis and Jewish mystics has taken to the skies over Israel, praying and blowing ceremonial horns in a plane to ward off swine flu.
About 50 religious leaders circled over the country on Monday, chanting prayers and blowing horns, called shofars.
The flight's aim was "to stop the pandemic so people will stop dying from it", Rabbi Yitzhak Batzri was quoted as saying in Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.
The flu is often called simply "H1N1" in Israel, as pigs are seen as unclean.

Read the rest and watch the vid. :zombie:


Dam lunatics.. :loco:
all you need is good bed rest and maybe some beechams to help with the headaches and shit...

its not as bad as people think, the amount of people who have rang up and got the tamiflu themselves ("confirmed cases") when really if they had proper flu, let alone swine flu, they would be in bed unable to talk and probably out of it completely...
i swear its all the fucking illuminati
call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist all you want
but goddamn it seems to blatantly obvious D:
People are losing it man.. it's all over the place now, subtle hysteria injected by the media.
Friend of mine had the flu, felt just a cold.. nothing more.

I want to see some statistics of how many people died of the normal flu, and how many people died of the swine flu... i would think the normal flu is just as "bad" then the swine flu.