Swiss Metalpage announces Slayer/CoB Date !!!

Greg Moore

Bastard of Bodom
Oct 20, 2005
According to the swiss metal page the following line up will play on 23. october 2006 in switzerland. And this page never put up false dates on their page.

Ok here's the lineup for the tour of the century

In Flames
Children Of Bodom
Lamb Of God
Thinbe Eyes Bleed

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
\m/NikkiePhillie\m/ said:
In Flames and Bodom together?:OMG:

I'll bet they're bullshiting.
Is tehre some kind of Hate between the two I dont know about?

I dont like LOG, and havnt heard an TEB (Im told they are good, but they people who tell me this I dont trust musically)
I hope I can give you all tomorrow or on saturday more information if this will really happen. Because on the page the gig is listed, there is also the gig promotor listed, btw the biggest in switzerland, also responsible for Maiden, GnR Gigs, but anyway on the promoters page there is still no info about this tour. But I've got some connections and I'm checking it. I can expect an answer, as said, tomorrow or on saturday. So stay tuned