SX to tour with Arch Enemy?


All about the METAL
Nov 30, 2002
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Can someone confirm or deny this report. I read it over at SMN Here is what it says:

Alright, here's some very nice, and well...huge US touring news for all the heavy metal fans out there, and I'd figure with this being a metal site, that most of you are. I was at Jaxx last night for LACUNA COIL, TAPPING THE VEIN, and DAYLIGHT DIES. It was a great show, and LACUNA COIL is truly incredible live. Well, before they got on stage, Jaxx owner Jay Nedry came out and addressed the crowd with some touring news, so here goes. ARCH ENEMY will return to the states with SYMPHONY X, and ICED EARTH sometime in October, with the first announced date being at Jaxx on October 15th. Also, following up on my HELLOWEEN/JAG PANZER date, there will only be 8 other dates on the tour, so the rest of 'em should be coming in soon. Moving right along,'s true, the NEVERMORE, CHILDREN OF BODOM, DIMMU BORGIR, and HYPOCRISY bill will hit the states in November, and that is the final tour package...from what Jay told the crowd. No official date, but it will be here. I'm off for now, going to see LACUNA COIL once again in the city of brotherly love, Philadelphia, PA. So you all take care, more news to come from tomorrow night's show I'm sure. Stay metal.

AWESOME tours if they are indeed true.....Jaxx gets every freakin' tour and i hope to god this one comes near me.
Thats awesome, both Symphony X and Iced Earth are touring. I wouldn't mind seeing Jag Panzer, Nevermore, or CoB either. I'm just disappointed I missed the Lacuna Coil show. The people at the club told me that I could buy tickets at the door, but it was sold out when I got there.
I wouldn't be suprised if this is false. I remember Jaxx made up a Symphony X/Amon Amarth/Beyond the Embrace show in January that never existed.
That's news to me, as far as I know the bands main focus right now is recording, not scheduling shows (but I could be wrong)..I'll ask Mike about this though & let you know.
Okay, I heard back from Mike Romeo about this, and this story is false: it seems if they are anywhere in October, it'll be on a headlining tour overseas that they're trying to arrange. No one at Jaxx has even consulted the band about such a show, much less actually made any plans with them.
Lady of the Oracle said:
Okay, I heard back from Mike Romeo about this, and this story is false: it seems if they are anywhere in October, it'll be on a headlining tour overseas that they're trying to arrange. No one at Jaxx has even consulted the band about such a show, much less actually made any plans with them.

I Figured as much, seeing as how SyX has done enough opening already and AFAIK they've been wanting to do some headliners next...BUT, that Nevermore, Children of Bodom, Dimmu Borgir, and Hypocrisy lineup might actually be for real, since I read on Dimmu's website that it was in the works...oh man...*drools thinking about seeing Children of Bodom and Dimmu in the same night*
As much as I like Arch Enemy, I couldn't possibly believe Symphony X to be touring with them anyway. It would be sweet though, although I know most SX fans probably couldn't get past the death metal vocals.
Lady of the Oracle said:
Okay, I heard back from Mike Romeo about this, and this story is false: it seems if they are anywhere in October, it'll be on a headlining tour overseas that they're trying to arrange. No one at Jaxx has even consulted the band about such a show, much less actually made any plans with them.

My daughters both had birthdays yesterday. They told me their b-day wishes when they blew out the candles are to see Symphony X ! :cool: I sure hope they do a Jersey show sometime this year before heading overseas! Can't get off work for Atlanta :yell:
Shit I was going to be in heaven if that tour came by my neck of the woods. Already seen Arch Enemy and SyX live, and they both put on a fucking killer show. And now they are doing this with the almighty Iced Earth, that would be one hell of a tour. Thats too bad that it is not happening though.